
End Game Stamplar DPS (trials setup)

Author: Zetheus


Race: Redguard

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

0 0 64




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Dual Wield

Rearming Trap

Fighters Guild Skill

Rearming Trap

Trap Beast


Rending Slashes

Dual Wield Skill

Rending Slashes

Twin Slashes


Biting Jabs

Templar Skill

Biting Jabs

Puncturing Strikes


Power of the Light

Templar Skill

Power of the Light



Blazing Spear

Templar Skill

Blazing Spear

Spear Shards


Flawless Dawnbreaker

Fighters Guild Skill

Flawless Dawnbreaker



Bar 2

Weapon 2: Bow

Rearming Trap

Fighters Guild Skill

Rearming Trap

Trap Beast


Endless Hail

Bow Skill

Endless Hail



Poison Injection

Bow Skill

Poison Injection

Poison Arrow


Razor Caltrops

Assault Skill

Razor Caltrops



Blazing Spear

Templar Skill

Blazing Spear

Spear Shards



Bow Skill


Rapid Fire


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
0 7 0


Gear and Item Set Info


Relequen 5pc (imperfect or perfect is still Best in Slot) (otherwise run VO and run selene or veli instead of stormfist)

Stormfist (1pc gives sustain at cost of less damage, feel free to change it for selene or velidreth)

Berserking warrior (jewlery and DW dagger and axe) (it is a heavy set so you would need to retrait jewlery to all infused) (ravager is another good choice but weapons are expensive)

vMA bow. (will increase dps by alot MUST HAVE) (if you dont have orsinium / cant do vMA run a master bow (vDSA)) you will loose AOE dps and a small amount of Single target.


General Info


Rotation is Dynamic as the build is endgame and is not for people who struggle with rotations.


1) PotL always up, no matter if all your DoT's are out. try to reapply first and last on DW bar. dont apply early or late.

2) Rearming trap, hence why its on backbar as well. need to keep minor force up.

3) everything else as usual. Only use blazing Spear on DW bar, as you wont have enough time to ever use it on frontbar without getting rid of a sec of PotL or trap.


Q: Why am I double slotting Blazing spear? A: Passives, backbar is used for crit damage while Aedric spear slotted, while frontbar using it as a DoT gives resources to group for no cost (costs mag). It also procs Burning light passive often which makes it do good dps.

Q: what if im dying in trails? A: Change out Bow bar Trap, slot vigor, it will give slightly less uptime on minor force but surviving will be easier.

Q: Heavy attacks and sustain issues. A: 1 heavy attack per rota in build to make sure 100% uptime on buffs. Sustain issues can be fixed by running Stormfist, 76 or 100 in Mooncalf CP, bubble popping / spears in trials. if your still having issues deslot trap for repentance or if your running vigor / or poor take double dot posions off Bow and use stam recov enchant on bow.


Champion Point Tips


56 Mighty, 61 Thaumaturge, 56 Precise Strikes, 30 Piercing

44 Master-at-Arms, 3 Physical Weapon Expert

47 Shadow Ward, 37 Tumbling

49 Tenacity, 100 Mooncalf

17 Warlord




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One Comment

  • jason owens
    Jun 11, 2018

    can this be used for pvp?


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