Akaviri Style
The Akaviri Style is a new style of armor and weapons available in Patch 2.2 (Orsinium DLC).
Siege Merchants in Cyrodiil will sell chapters of the Akaviri Style for large amounts of Alliance Points.
To learn an Akaviri Style Chapter, you must have at least Rank 9 in at least one of the Metalworking, Tailoring, or Woodworking passives.

Akaviri Style Material Goldscale
The Siege Merchants will also sell the raw style material needed to craft Akaviri items, Ancient Scale, for Alliance Points.
You must refine ten Ancient Scales together into one Goldscale in order to use it in crafting in the Akaviri style.
Once refined together into Goldscale, the item is immediately bound to your account. If you wish to trade them, you must do so in their unrefined form!
which siege merchant? most merchants do not sell them, especially castle siege merchants, I saw one once and cant rememeber where…
I found him again… for AD faction he is the “war researcher” at the Armory at the eastern Elsweyr gate Cyrodiil.. no siege merchants anywhere sell motifs or sets or styles…
OK…. this is for AD faction, other no doubt have their own same….. SO if your looking for “AKAVIRI” style, then the “Crafting Motif 18: weapons/armour etc” sell between 100k and 500k AP (alliance points) earned in Cyrodiil… and ONLY from 2 “War Researchers” one named Zadai in the armory at the western Elsweyr gate and the other named Eanor in the armory at the Eastern Elsweyr gate. NO SIEGE MERCHANTS SELL any kind of MOTIF stuff..
Although this is not quite the answer I was looking for, I MUST say thank you, for putting the answer to an ASKED question. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had questions, (and this is a partial, to the one I’m looking for), and then end up searching Google for hours, reading crap from people telling us : 1) Why THEY like this style, 2.) Why THEY want to craft or wear it, 3.) What THEY want to do with it, and finally, 4). How hard it was for THEM to finally get it, how happy/mad they were when they did, and how much they love/hate the game, now that they are the proud owner of said item.
Do they ever answer a simple question of “Hey, can anyone please tell me where I can find this crafting motif?” HELL NO. By the time an answer is finally found, for me at least, I’m usually so pissed off, I wouldn’t wear that style, if it was the last one in the game…. I’ll just fight neekid…thx very much.
So, thank you, for understanding, (even though you also asked the original question, from what I see), that when most people are searching for an answer, they don’t need the game-life story, of a person who feels they may wish to respond. Drop a tiny, “Hey, yeah, that was a bitch to get, here’s what I did”, then please, do as Snowsaber did, just give the damn answer..
We will be so much more grateful to you, for doing so.