
AOE Sorcerer Killer Crit

Author: RR


Race: Breton

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

10 54 0




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Destruction Staff

Inner Light

Mages Guild Skill

Inner Light



Bound Aegis

Sorcerer Skill

Bound Aegis

Bound Armor


Elemental Drain

Destruction Staff Skill

Elemental Drain

Weakness to Elements



Destruction Staff Skill




Lightning Flood

Sorcerer Skill

Lightning Flood

Lightning Splash


Greater Storm Atronach

Sorcerer Skill

Greater Storm Atronach

Summon Storm Atronach


Bar 2

Weapon 2: One Handed And Shield

Absorb Magic

One Hand And Shield Skill

Absorb Magic

Defensive Posture


Bound Aegis

Sorcerer Skill

Bound Aegis

Bound Armor


Structured Entropy

Mages Guild Skill

Structured Entropy



Boundless Storm

Sorcerer Skill

Boundless Storm

Lightning Form


Power Surge

Sorcerer Skill

Power Surge



War Horn

Assault Skill

War Horn


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
7 0 0


Gear and Item Set Info


I'm using Twice Born Star with the Thief and Shadow mundus stones and the Mother's Sorrow set, with 2 armor pieces and the necklace and rings for the must have 5 item set bonus. This gives me a 78.2% spell crit rating without buffs. Using a lightning staff on the main bar, and for the back (buff) bar I have the sword and shield of Willpower for bit of extra magic I use when I buff up before the fight. These are easy to get armor sets. TBS is a crafted set, and Mother's Sorrow and Willpower are drop sets that you can farm for or buy off your guild AH. I am using Divines all all gear (Other then the weapons)


General Info


This setup is all build around Power Surge and Pulsar. Power Surge gives you 20% spell damge for 33 seconds and your critical strikes heal you for 2576 health every second. You then spam Pulsar.

Pre-fight: Be sure Bound Aegis is up. Then Power surge, Boundless Storm and Absorb Magic. Your Boundless Storm runs for 23 seconds, and when it runs out that's your cue to rebuff. I then open with Structured Entropy and switch to my front bar. If it's a trash mob fight I skip casting Structured Entropy and just open with Lightning flood then spam Pulsar as they rush in. All are dead before Lightning flood ends. On the boss fight, I cast Structured Entropy, then Elemental Drain, Lightning flood, Pulsar. Spam Pulsar and drop Lightning flood, Elemental drain as needed. The Ultimate Greater Strom Atronach is on the front bar for the extra 20% health/stam recovery but I drop War Horn (You can morph it how you want) for the extra 10% magic/health/stam. I use the buff food - Longfin pasty with melon sauce and the alchemy potion Essence of spell critical, which for me last 47.6 seconds on a 45 second cool down and this adds 20% more healing and 20% more magic recovery to go with the extra 2191 spell crit, so I can always have that up as well.


Champion Point Tips


The Lover: 100 in Arcanist for the 25% magic recovery.

The Lady: 100 in Elemental Defender for the 25% reduced magic damage.

The Aprentice: 100 in Elfborn for the must have 25% increased damage and healing dealt by crit's.

Spend the other CP on whatever you feel you want, like Elementa Expert.




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One Comment

  • Sean
    May 11, 2017

    What enchants should i have on all the items used? I’m guessing magicka for the armor and perhaps potion boost (assuming that would up the crit bonus from the suggested potion) on jewelry and maybe glyph of crushing for weapon? I’m not really sure. Also what ingredient do you use to make the exact potion described?


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