Rabid Wyvern – StamDK vMA 2H/Bow (Wolfhunter)
Two Handed, Bow
This will be the updated version of my 2H DK vMA build.
Two Handed, Bow
This will be the updated version of my 2H DK vMA build.
Destruction Staff, Two Handed
As stated, keep your ice AoE’s down all the time. For defense, only use forward momentum to get out of hard snares, or when you know a NB is coming in with incap. Its way more cost-efficient than break-free or roll-dodging out of roots/snares, and makes those pesky magDKs less bothersome.
For defense, always keep living trellis up and spam it to get burst heals. Only use harness when under high pressure.
Dual Wield, Bow
This build is pretty fun to use, but I feel as though it’s sub optimal for DPS and sustain, mainly suffering from poor gear imo. I’m primarily posting this for feedback from more experienced players, but feel free to use it in anyway you want.
Bow, One Handed And Shield
This was my first ESO character.I always start every elderscrolls game with an argonian scout build.So when I jumped in,I had no Idea that Argonians sucked for Stam dps lol. I just made the best of it,and while I can’t say the lil guy is my most powerful build,he is the most flexible.Not the best DPS or Healer,but he does alot of damage for a healer and alot of healing for a DPS,with plenty of sustain.
Destruction Staff, Destruction Staff
I’m looking for help with optimizing this build to eventually begin vMA farming. I know Moondancer isn’t the best set to be running but its gear I had. any help with this would be great.
Destruction Staff, Destruction Staff
I don’t own the Warden this is just a build that I think would be fun to use and really good.