One Handed And Shield, One Handed And Shield
One Handed And Shield, Dual Wield
This build is mostly for when your DPSers are…trying their best. It’s not the worst build but give it more health if you want to make it your main tank set. It also makes a very good solo build, even as is. It’s my first attempt at a build like this so feel free to offer suggestions, but over all I rather like it and find it fun.
Note: I haven’t tried it in PvP but I don’t think it would be good. Keep it to trials and PvE I would so…or give it a shot, I’m not your supervisor.
Destruction Staff, Two Handed
Hybrid Pelinal’s DoT/Melee Build, using 2H Greataxe & Lightning Destruction Staff, for PvP & Duels
One Handed And Shield, Bow
Hey all, even though I am not the creator of this build. . . I have his permission to share this with y’all. This is my take on the Zero Health Knight from Werewolf457. If you want more builds check him out on youtube @ WEREWOLF457 ESO!! Hope y’all like the build, and if you are wondering what’s different between my version and his?? It’s basically a gear choice. Watch the video I attached to this build and you will see what I mean. He also explains his preferred rotation he uses in PvP.