Yog Soth’oth
Two Handed, One Handed And Shield
Dunmer dragonknight tank
Two Handed, Two Handed
Tried so many builds, classes and gear sets. This one is, by far, the most satisfying toon i’ve ever played.
This build is for the ppl who likes to fight close and use aggressive tactics to survive in solo play. Tank if needed, grind if you wish, top the DPS charts in Veteran Dungeons with ease and most importantly, show those meta bois who runs with pre-determined gear and skills what can be achieved outside the meta.
One Handed And Shield, Restoration Staff
Work in Progress
One Handed And Shield, Destruction Staff
This a Build that can play in both pvp and pve
One Handed And Shield, One Handed And Shield
Build designed to adapt to the nerfs of patch 3.0.0 that will come to servers regadless if you buy the Morrrowind DLC. Designed to act as a durable main tank for trials and a good tank for 4-man dungeon runs.
Restoration Staff, Destruction Staff
Dragonknight healer build. Heals well while also being a great support for the group. Optimized for PvE.
Bow, Two Handed
The not-so-average stealth build your mother didn’t tell you about. (StamDK)
Dual Wield, Dual Wield
1 HP to 5 Stam ratio brawler. Melee only, designed to chomp through heavy armour targets, then switch over and DoT/CC gap close the light armour targets. Primarily a PVP build, but viable in PVE to an extent.