Weapon Damage Survivalists
Two Handed, Dual Wield
It is a fun build that can solo 90% of stuff if needed(even some group content), but it is unique and has the wiggle room to make your own.
Two Handed, Dual Wield
It is a fun build that can solo 90% of stuff if needed(even some group content), but it is unique and has the wiggle room to make your own.
Two Handed, Bow
this build is my attempt to bring 2 handed weapons back to pve
One Handed And Shield, Two Handed
Around 3.7k weapon damage fully buffed
27-29k spell and physical resist fully buffed
If you want less survivablity and more damage switch out blood spawn for velidreth
Destruction Staff, Destruction Staff
Amazing magicka dk with great dps and crazy Mag sustain! For the players with sustain issues on Mag dks
Destruction Staff, Destruction Staff
eso magicka dk staff heavy attack build pve trials