
Healer Builds

Heavy Thunder.

Build Class SORCERER

One Handed And Shield,  Dual Wield

all in one just like the templar tank,healer,dps build.

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Imperial Cult Defector

Build Class SORCERER

One Handed And Shield,  Restoration Staff

A select few brave soul saw through the holes in their grand Empire’s decisions. The King of Worms was the true threat, and Molag Bal his puppet master… An elite squadron of Imperial Legionaries took their blades and shields to the winds, to fight against the heretic that was Manimarco…

For Akatosh.



Build Class SORCERER

Dual Wield,  One Handed And Shield

Tank, damage and heal with flawless awesomeness.

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Simple Healer Templar (Group Dungeons)

Build Class TEMPLAR

Restoration Staff,  Restoration Staff

A simple Templar healer build to run Normal Dungeons and possibly some Vet Dungeons.

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Build Class TEMPLAR

None,  None

Keep it simple. A back to basics Templar, easy to use, hard to beat. Deal monster damage, while healing your group. Used for Malestrom, PVP or group healing or damage.

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Trials Healer – End Game

Build Class TEMPLAR

Restoration Staff,  Restoration Staff

An end game build for a healer specifically designed for trials.


DarthLuna’s Healer of Valar

Build Class TEMPLAR

Restoration Staff,  Dual Wield

Customizable, strong heals and great dps for any healer that does PvE and PvP

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VanguardGamer ESO Templar Build Briana

Build Class TEMPLAR

Dual Wield,  Restoration Staff


Hilde Le Bard

Build Class SORCERER

Restoration Staff,  Destruction Staff

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Infinite Healer

Build Class TEMPLAR

Destruction Staff,  Restoration Staff

Op healer for pve/pvp