Destruction Staff, Restoration Staff
Magicka healing Templar healer combat medic resto destro heal build
Destruction Staff, Restoration Staff
Magicka healing Templar healer combat medic resto destro heal build
Dual Wield, Destruction Staff
I went with Dunmer since they have the Destructive Ancestry passive which gives them a 7% damage increase on fire damage, but honestly it doesn’t matter what race you go with.
Destruction Staff, Restoration Staff
Magicka Templar Healer PVE Morrowind
One Handed And Shield, Bow
Restoration Staff, Restoration Staff
This healing build focuses on constant healing to avoid the need of burst heals. (Will be doing a rework once Morrowind is released)
Restoration Staff, Destruction Staff
My Healer/DPS build using the “Play what feels fun” philosophy =^)
One Handed And Shield, One Handed And Shield
This build is for people who wish to solo a lot of content (overworld bosses) or run though dungeon silky smooth. It is heavy self sustain so you can make up for group members who are a little sloppy or still learning about the game.
One Handed And Shield, One Handed And Shield
Pretty straightforward tanking build for stamina Templar for vet dungeons, with the intention to take advantage of the multiple buffs and self heals the Templar class skills provide. Any feedback , question and suggestion is welcome.