sypher templar tank
One Handed And Shield, Dual Wield
Restoration Staff, Restoration Staff
Use 4 abilities on your primary bar to heal, 4 on your secondary bar to buff, and one stamina ability on each bar to deal damage. All your healing comes from mana, and all your damage comes from stamina, allowing much easier resource management.
Restoration Staff, Restoration Staff
Full time healing build. Good for group and can run most Trials/Dungeons no problem.
Dual Wield, Bow
Machine For Pugs is a PvX build made for players who want to take on both PvE and PvP content with a single setup that will work extremely well in any situation with an extreme balance to a stamina based build. Extremely versatile with or without champion points and high survivability in both PvE and PvP. Tested in VMA with 2 deaths as well as Solo-ing veteran hardmode Direfrost Keep. Useable with any race, any class. Only requirement is stamina based.
Dual Wield, Two Handed
This is a Dual Wielding Templar build that focuses on AoE attacks and attacks that also self-heal to stay alive and to not stress the healer in group activities. Focus on Heavy Armor for Dungeons and Medium for PVP. I chose a Breton for my build, but the Dunmer are a great choice since some of these attack are fire based.
Dual Wield, Restoration Staff
Incredible Healer/Dps Templar for 4 man contents and pve solo play.