Dual Wield, One Handed And Shield
Dual Wield, Restoration Staff
After weeks of chopping and grafting different builds i found this to be a Balanced build in PvE and PvP.
I hope you enjoy this build as much as I do. If you need any help be sure to send me a Message on PS4 my tagg is PoxPupli.
Being a Healer can be a thankless job in ESO but with this you will be able to dish out enough damage and put triple as much health wile doing so, Enjoy Comrades!
Two Handed, Bow
And that’s the build! I know some like the written portion better, but the video posted above will really show how this all comes together. Moreover, this took a lot of time to flesh out the perfect synergy between abilities, resources and gear. Most of these builds take 100 hours or more to complete and I’m really happy with the end result.
But what do you think about the build design? Please let me some comments and I can’t wait to continue leveling my Templar! (DELTIAS WORDS)
One Handed And Shield, Dual Wield