AoE group Ice Waden: 5.2
Destruction Staff, Restoration Staff
Destruction Staff, Destruction Staff
AOE-DOT, AOE-DOT for everyone! If you love using the powers of cold and sleet to hamper and crowd control everything from other players to monsters, this is definitely up your alley. (first build on my first eso character, critique would be greatly appreciated!)
Destruction Staff, Restoration Staff
This build has all the feel and power of last patch with shock clench only with more control through trading immobilization and stun CDs. Also frost clench has a chance to proc minor maim (frost damage) and vulnerability (shock glyph) next patch switch to oblivion glyph as vulnerability will come from fetcher infection
Bow, Bow
This pretty soldier uses traps to control the field, powerful shots from an automatic bow to drop foes, and has all sorts of tricks to put their friends in a position to be awesome!
Restoration Staff, Destruction Staff