Druid Caster
Dual Wield, Destruction Staff
Trial ready Magicka warden DPS
Restoration Staff, Destruction Staff
Warden healer build for dungeons and trials.
One Handed And Shield, One Handed And Shield
A health tank that will make you forget the death screen!
Dual Wield, Restoration Staff
Current healing is great need bit to works but bulid is focus on dps
current is ok to run on vet trail and duegon use deadly cloak
Destruction Staff, Destruction Staff
I love playing support builds, and this is by far my favorite build to play in normal group pve or pvp content. With insane resource (the warden is great for resource), this is both an interesting way to play tank and overall a very useful one. This build has been proven capable of easily completing vet dungeons such as CoA 2 and CoS, vet trials, duels, and even nMA. It is a tank relying on HoTs and DoTs to do most of the work for it, and it is very interesting and fun to play.
Destruction Staff, Restoration Staff
Mag warden will survive this birds nerf. yes, our burst wont be as reliably OP, but the addition of a hard snare, in my mind, makes us as viable in duels and small scale as mag DK have been (talons snare, fossilize cc)
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