DK 1HS Group PvE / 2H Solo PvE Revision II

Race: Orc
Main Role: Tank
Health, Magicka, Stamina
25000+ | 15000+ | 25000+ |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: One Handed And Shield

One Hand And Shield Skill
Absorb Magic

One Hand And Shield Skill
Absorb Magic

One Hand And Shield Skill
Absorb Magic

One Hand And Shield Skill
Absorb Magic

One Hand And Shield Skill
Absorb Magic

Sorcerer Skill
Absorption Field
Bar 2
Weapon 2: One Handed And Shield

One Hand And Shield Skill
Absorb Magic

One Hand And Shield Skill
Absorb Magic

One Hand And Shield Skill
Absorb Magic

One Hand And Shield Skill
Absorb Magic

One Hand And Shield Skill
Absorb Magic

Sorcerer Skill
Absorption Field
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
0 | 0 | 7 |
Gear and Item Set Info
General Tanking in Group PvE :
Monster Sets - Bloodspawn for trash fights, Lord Warden for boss fights
Armor Sets - Tava's Favor, Akaviri Dragonguard
Traits / Glyphs :
Head - Health - Infused
Shoulder - Health - Divines
Body - Health - Infused
Hands- Health - Divines
Waist - Health - Divines
Legs - Health - Infused
Feet - Health - Divines
Necklace - Shield Play - Healthy
Ring - Shield Play - Healthy
Ring - Shield Play - Healthy
Main Hand 1 - Crusher - Defending
Shield 1 - Health - Reinforced
Main Hand 2 - Crusher - Defending
Shield 2 - Health - Reinforced
General Damage Dealing in Solo PvE :
Setup 1 (recommended) : 5+3+2+1 = Seventh Legion Brute/Hundings Rage + Agility Set + Molag Kena + Arena/Crafted Weapon
Setup 2 : 5+5+1 = Seventh Legion Brute/Hundings Rage + Sword-Singer/Strength Of The Automaton/Leviathan + Arena/Crafted Weapon
Traits / Glyphs :
Head - Health/Stamina - Infused
Shoulder - Health/Stamina - Divines
Body - Health/Stamina - Infused
Hands - Health/Stamina - Divines
Waist - Health/Stamina - Divines
Legs - Health/Stamina - Infused
Feet - Health/Stamina - Divines
Necklace - Weapon Damage - Robust/Arcane
Ring - Weapon Damage - Robust/Arcane
Ring - Weapon Damage - Robust/Arcane
Main Hand 1 - Weapon Damage - Sharpened
Main Hand 2 - Crusher - Sharpened
General Info
Recommended Races : Imperial, Nord, Orc, Redguard.
Build Idea :
Our role will be Tank in Group PvE with 1HS and Sustained DD in Solo PvE with 2H.
General Tanking in Group PvE : (Use AlphaGear addon to switch your gear+skill presets)
Against Bosses
Explanation :
Single Target Bar
1) Pierce Armor - Taunt + Resistance Debuff. Keep it up on bosses all the times.
2) Heroic Slash - Damage Debuff + Ultimate Generation. Keep it up on bosses all the times.
3) Igneous Shield - Spam this shield every 6 seconds in fight.
4) Resolving Vigor - Spam this heal every time you lose your healh in fight. Be self sustained.
5) Absorb Spell - For in-slot bonus and occasional spell absorbs.
R) Aggresive Warhorn - Use this whenever its off cooldown while killing bosses. However if you have someone with this same skill then co-ordinate with them instead.
Multi Target Bar
1) Choking Talons - Lock adds in place, reduce their damage by 15%. Spam this every 4-5 seconds when adds spawn.
2) Invirogating Drain - Generates 5 ultimate per second. Whenever boss is not hitting you or isnt hitting you hard enough then SPAM this every 3 seconds.
3) Elude - 20% evade chance + ult regain via our armor procs. Use it before every fight. Keep this up everytime.
4) Volatile Armor - Gives 10% damage reduction + 12% healing recieved + resistances. Keep this up everytime. The AOE damage also helps while killing trash mobs.
5) Inner Rage - Ranged taunt hard hitting mob / boss is at range and hitting your teammates instead of you.
R) Magma Shell - Our oh fk button.
Against Trash Mobs
Explanation :
Noxious Breath - Area Resistance Debuff + Slow.
Unrelenting Grip - Pulls distant targets near you, refunds the magicka cost if pull fails. Useful to gather trash mobs in one place.
Alternative Skills & Skills Of Interest :
Igneous Weapons - Gives 20% weapon damage and spell damage boost. Considering not many classes have easy access to major brutality buff and you will be using this while leveling before you have access to Rally from 2H line.
Cinder Storm - AOE Slow. You can use this skill instead of Invirogating Drain. However, the radius is very low.
Ring of Preservation - Considering the stamina cost of this, you should only use this skill where you and your allies have to stack on eachother.
Mystic Orb - Useful in arena and trials on trash fights.
Retreating Maneuver - You may use this skill while on mount/running from one area to another.
Replenishing Barrier - For inslot bonus of 10% magicka recovery.
Mystic Guard - For offtanking in trials.
There are other max health scaling skills which are only useful in full health builds so do not go for them if you are going for stamina build.
Mundus Stone
General Damage Dealing in Solo PvE
Explanation :
Single Target Bar
1) Wrecking Blow - High damaging skill. We will be using this most of the times against single targets followed by fully charged heavy attack.
2) Executioner - High damaging skill. We will be spamming this as soon as target goes down below 50% HP.
3) Igneous Shield - 25% healing done + shield. Basically increases Rally's HOT.
4) Rally - 20% weapon damage buff + HOT. Use Igneous Weapons till you get this.
5) Molten Armaments - 40% heavy attack damage increase, 20% spell damage increase. Respec your Igneous Weapons once you unlock Momentum.
R) Standard Of Might - Long DOT + 20% damage increase + 20% incoming damage decrease + heal.
Multi Target Bar
1) Noxious Breath - AOE Damage + DOT + Slow Debuff + Armor Debuf. Our opening skill. Consider using Axe for additional DOT damage.
2) Brawler - AOE Damage + DOT + Shield.
3) Draw Essense - AOE Damage + Heal + Magicka Recovery. Despite being elemental damage skill, this will save your life every time. You can use Reverse Slice before you unlock this.
4) Volatile Armor - AOE Damage + DOT + 10% damage reduction + 12% healing recieved + resistances.
5) Flames Of Oblivion - 10% spell and weapon crit chance which will benefit both physical and elemental damage.
R) Shooting Star - AOE damage ultimate which restores ultimate based on number of enemies hit.
Alternative Skills & Skills Of Interest :
Green Dragon Blood - Burst heal + 20% stamina recovery + 20% health recovery. Use it after update 13.
Venomous Claw - Does damage and applies 30% slow. Useful in early levels, burning phase of bosses and in PvP..
Critical Rush - Useful with crit builds.
Reverse Slice - Use this before you unlock Draw Essense.
Dawnbreaker Of Smiting - AOE Damage + DOT + CC + heal + inslot damage increase. Useful mostly in PvP. I havent used this much in PvE so i have replaced this with Shooting Star.
Mundus Stone
All 3 class passives, All 2H passives, All 1HS passives, All race passives, All heavy armor passives, All Undaunted Passives. Dexterity, Wind Walker, Agility if you are going to use Medium Armor for solo play, Intimidating Presence, Persuasive Will for hastened questing while leveling. Vampire passives Supernatural Recovery, Undeath.
All points into Stamina. Idea here is to use Attribute Points to boost stamina so we can tank as well as do damage, using our gear to boost health and using consumables to boost magicka.
Champion Point Tips
Not going to put numbers here. Instead prioirities them as you level.
The Ritual - Mighty
The Atronach - Melee Weapon Expert
The Apprentice - Blessed
The Shadow - Shadow Ward
The Lover - Arcanist, Tenacity (specially after update 13)
The Tower - Warlord
The Lord - Quick Recovery, Heavy Armor Focus, Bastion
The Lady - Hardy, Elemental Defender
The Steed - Nothing
Thanks for this. Its pain to grind mages guild levels though.
Its worth it 😀
I have replaced Choking Talons against bosses with Ring Of Preservation after update 13. If i know there wont be any adds in boss fight then i switch to boss bar skill+moster set. Else i am sticking with trash skill+monster set.
Where do we put attribute points. ?? Sorry probably a stupid question but never built a tank before first time but I’m tried of waiting around for other peeps to help me with some dungeons. My tank is not ready for anything like that at the moment I just started him after reading you page he is only level 6 ..
All to stamina.
Revision 3 of this build :