The Pinnacle of Tanking
Race: Khajiit
Main Role: Tank
Health, Magicka, Stamina
35k | 20k | 24k |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: One Handed And Shield

Dragonknight Skill
Noxious Breath

Dragonknight Skill
Igneous Weapons

One Hand And Shield Skill
Heroic Slash

Dragonknight Skill
Unrelenting Grip

One Hand And Shield Skill
Pierce Armor

Dragonknight Skill
Standard of Might
Bar 2
Weapon 2: One Handed And Shield

Dragonknight Skill
Green Dragon Blood

Dragonknight Skill
Hardened Armor

Undaunted Skill
Overflowing Altar

Dragonknight Skill
Cinder Storm

Undaunted Skill
Inner Rage

Dragonknight Skill
Magma Shell
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
0 | 0 | 7 |
Gear and Item Set Info
- The Master's Perfected Sword & Board set on front bar. (vDSA weapon set):
- (2 items) Adds 3% Healing Taken
- (2 items) When you deal damage with Puncture, you heal for 7,330 Health and gain Spell and Physical Resistance equal to the amountvof healing done for 5 seconds. (Great self heal.)
- Winter's Respite set on back healing bar sword & board + jewelry (Western Skyrim overland light armor set):
- (2 items) Adds 129 Magicka Recovery
- (3 items) Adds 1,096 Maximum Magicka
- (4 items) Adds 1,096 Maximum Magicka
- (5 items) Casting abilities that leave an effect on the groung will create a circle of healing frost for 10 seconds. You and your allies restore 2,819 Health every 1 second while inside the circle. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds. (Group healing set.)
- Leeching Plate set on chest, belt, legs, hands, & feet (Imperial City Prison dungeon set):
- (2 items) Adds 1,206 Maximum Health
- (3 items) Adds 4% Healing Taken
- (4 items) Adds 1,206 Maximum Health
- (5 items) When you take damage, you have a 20% chance to summon a cloud of leeching poison under the assailant. The cloud deals 1,260 Poison Damage every 1 second for 5 secondsand heals you for 100% of the damage caused. A cloud can be created once every 5 seconds. (The effect can stack on multiple adds, so you can end up having some insane health recovery. Overall, it's a really great tanking set.)
- Earthgore Monster Set:
- (1 item) Adds 4% Healing Taken
- (2 items) When you heal yourself or an ally that is under 50% Health, you conjure a pool of quenching blood underneath them, immediately removing all previous enemy placed effects, and healing the lowest Health friendly target in the area for 35,519 Health over 10 seconds. This effect can occur once every 20 seconds. (This is a phenomenal healing set. The way it procs is extraordinary, and it is always up when it is needed as long as you have at least Overflowing Altar/one of your heals up. It is basically a fire and forget clutch heal. If the tank or healer in your group isn't running this set, you're doing it wrong. I don't know why every tank isn't running this monster set. It is at least ten-fold more useful than other tanking sets like Lord Warden.)
- All armor/shields should be sturdy to maximize block cost reduction. This can be capped at 57% block cost reduction between all sturdy armor/shields and putting 100 Champion Points into Shadow Ward.
- Both weapons should be defending in order to maximize your base resistances.
- One jewelry piece should be protective while the other two are heathy. (This plays into min-maxing your resources and base resistances. See enchantments below.)
- Weapons: crusher enchants on both to maximize armor debuffs on enemies
- Armor:
- helmet, chest, & legs: triune
- shoulders, hands, belt, & feet: max health
- shields: max stamina
- Jewelry:
- rings & neck: magicka recovery
- The Tower: Increases your Maximum Stamina by 2,028.
- max magicka: ~20k
- max health: ~35k
- max stamina: ~24k
(w/ Tri-Stat Food on)
- magicka recovery: ~1,400
- health recovery: ~1,200 (definitely way higher with sets procing/heals; +500 w/ Bewitched Sugar Skulls)
- stamina recovery: ~660 (Sturdy traits and play style circumvent any stamina sustain issues.)
- spell resistance: ~29,000
- physical resistance: ~28,000
(Resistances are maxed out easily with 100% uptime on Hardened Armor and procing vDSA set via taunting.)
- Magicka: 0
- Health: 39
- Stamina: 25
General Info
- Buff/Debuff Front Bar:
(Many of these abilities are situational/most useful in trash groups or boss fights.)
- Use Pierce Armor as your melee taunt/an enemy debuff to get up group penetration. It can also be used as a 7k self heal when procing The Master's Perfected set.
- Use Unrelenting Grip to chain in enemies for your group to stack DoTs.
- Use Heroic Slash to generate soem ultimate and debuff boss damage.
- Use Igneous Weapons to notably buff group dps. (You should be able to keep 100% uptime on this.)
- Use Noxious Breath can be used to increase group penetration. (Very useful in boss fights if you keep 100% uptime on it. Also helpful for burning large trash groups.)
- Use your Standard of Might Ultimate during execute phase on bosses.
(DO NOT spam Pierce Armor or Noxious Breath.)
- Healing Back Bar:
(This bar in tandem with the aforementioned set pieces virtually makes you a tank healer. Stay on this bar during a boss fight if your group is getting hit hard in order to throw down heals quickly.)
- Use Green Dragon Blood as your primary self heal when at low health. Opt for using Pierce Armor to proc your 7k instant heal from The Master's Perfected set when you are only missing a bit of health. Green Dragon Blood is a % based heal, so it will not replace much of your health if it already isn't very low. Don't waste magicka.
- Keep 100% uptime on Hardened Armor to maximize your resistances. Your resistances should be high enough regadless though.
- Use Inner Rage as your ranged taunt or main taunt if you happen to be out of stamina. DO NOT spam it.
- Use Overflowing Altar as your primary heal. This is this build's #1 ability. The synergy is unbeatable given that it instantly heals 65% of your teammates' missing health. This is also a ground based heal that does about 700 health/sec, so it will proc Winter's Respite (another 2,800 heals/sec). Lay this down when you need extra heals yourself or to protect melee dps during boss fights. Always throw this down to proc Winter's Respite when doing large add pulls. This is the beauty of this build. Stack every add you can and you'll have all the heals and DoTs on the same convienent spot. Group survivability while pulling large trash groups is unparalleled . Feel free to spam this ability if your group is getting hammered. The health it cost to cast is immediately replaced by the Winter's Respite procing.
- Use Cinder Storm as your ranged AoE heal (1,100 heals/sec). You can also use this ability to proc Winter's Respite at range on teammates, and it is fantastic to cover reviving allies. You can also just stack this heal on your other heals for great healing.
- Tri-Stat Pots (immovability pots if you need to get revives in the presence of knockback effects)
- Bewitched Sugar Skulls or Purple Tri-Stat Food
***Use whatever race you want with this build, but keep in mind max stats may vary accordingly with racial passives.
Champion Point Tips
Feel free to adjust these at your own discretion, but this is what seems to work best w/ this build.
- The Tower
- Bashing Focus: 58 (helps with stamina sustain while getting interrupts)
- The Lover
- Mooncalf: 43
- Arcanist: 43
- Tenacity: 43
- The Shadow
- Shadow Ward: 83 (ESSENTIAL for all tanks)
- The Apprentice
- Blessed: 100
- Elfborn: 100 (both to maximize heals w/ build sets)
- The Atronach (None allocated here)
- The Ritual
- Mighty: 70 (increases the poison effect and therefore heal of Leeching Plate set)
- The Steed
- Ironclad: 73 (paramount for tanks)
- Spell Shield: 26
- The Lady
- Hardy: 47
- Elemental Defender: 47
- The Lord
- Heavy Armor Focus: 77
can we use this build for trials
What about passive choices for this build?
Similar build I use on magical nexromancer tank. Swap out dragon knight skills for necro and it’s the same. Except I use lord warden helm for resistance and lady thorn for trials. Well thought out build.