
ESO News September 2015

  One Comment   September 15, 2015

On August 31 the new Imperial City DLC arrived for PC and Mac. On September 15/16 this update will go live for players on XBox One and PS4. Here is a wrap up of the recent news, patches and changes which occurred through August and into September.

Imperial City Arrives Consoles


Imperial City Arrives

As you probably all know, the new (and first) DLC content – Imperial City – has arrived for PC/Mac and is being rolled out for consoles. The new DLC is pretty cool and costs 2500 Crowns. The Imperial City is a hybrid PVP/PVE zone with a new currency called Tel Var Stones which can be looted from enemy players and enemy NPCs. There are also new quests, two new Veteran Ranks (up to VR16), the new Xivkyn (Imperial Daedric) and Glass styles, two new Group Dungeons and new crafting materials.


Veteran Ranks Future

It was confirmed on ESO Live 24 that the level cap won’t increase beyond VR16 with the next DLC (Orsinium). Veteran Ranks will be phased out after Orsinium some time in the future (but we don’t know exactly when).


Future Ideas

On ESO Live 24 ZOS mentioned that new weapon types may come to ESO in the future, that guards will remain invincible to players, that a new Trial is coming in the future and that Guild Bank permissions are being worked on. The UI is also being looked at with combat text, buff status and name plates are in the works.

ESO Plus Carry Bags

A question was asked, on a recent Ask Us Anything panel, concerning the benefits of subscribing to ESO Plus and any future benefits which are planned.

ZOS Answer: We have a plan in the works to bring a feature to our ESO Plus members that we internally call ‘Crafting Bags’. These would allow Plus Members to carry enormous quantities of crafting materials.

This does sound interesting!


Small Patches

Since Imperial City launched on PC there have been a couple of smaller patches addressing bugs and issues with the new DLC. There was a bug where the Medium Armor passive Agility was not applying the extra Weapon Damage and this has been fixed in the latest patch. There was another issue with jumping while in stealth and this was also fixed.

There is a known issue with some Champion Passives not properly effecting drink buffs and this is being worked on. A lot of players have complained about long loading screens, so this is another potential problem which will hopefully be fixed in the near future.

One Comment

  • eglinhoffer
    Sep 23, 2015

    Has anyone noticed Force Shock appears to have been nerfed? It doesn’t have the 40% chance to apply status effect. Huge nerf!


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