Outlaw Style
The Outlaw style is a long-awaited gear style which arrived in ESO with the Thieves Guild DLC in March 2016.
Outlaw Style Motif
The Outlaw Motif can be found in the Delves and world bosses of Hew’s Bane from the Thieves Guild DLC.
The entire Motif may become available in the Crown Store at a later stage as well.

Thieves Guild Outlaw Motif
The style item is Rougue’s Soot and can be found by harvesting crafting nodes inside Hew’s Bane.

Outlaw Style Material Rogues Soot
Outlaw Style
These concept art images show the Outlaw Style.

Outlaw Style Armor ESO

Outlaw Style Weapons ESO

Outlaw Style Bow ESO
These images are already in the game files and show a bit of how the Outlaw style will look in ESO.
1H Axe
1H Hammer
1H Sword
1H Dagger
2H Axe
2H Hammer
2H Sword
Light Armor
Light Head
Light Shoulders
Light Chest
Light Hands
Light Waist
Light Legs
Light Feet
Medium Armor
Medium Head
Medium Shoulders
Medium Chest
Medium Hands
Medium Waist
Medium Legs
Medium Feet
Heavy Armor
Heavy Head
Heavy Shoulders
Heavy Chest
Heavy Hands
Heavy Waist
Heavy Legs
Heavy Feet
For outlaws or people who want to remain out of the spotlight, it seems rather intricate.
I love it but it’s kinda fancy.
The light style does not contain the good locking robe.
The robe and the shirt / jerkin are identical in look.
I am sad, because I prefer a genuine robe over a shirt for my outlaw.
Looks like Nightingale to me
I just had the heavy chest crafted for V16, it looks NOTHING like the concept, thank the devines, in fact it looks better and something fitting for an outlaw looks in my opinion.
Where is the motif for heavy crafting?
The Thieves guild style(not out yet) and Outlaw styles are completely different styles..hence why the concept art doesn’t match any of the outlaw parts. There are photos out showing the legendary thieves guild motif book, which isn’t out yet like I said.
When can I buy the outlaw motif in the crowns store.im sorry i dont meen to sound so demanding im just frustrated with it so can someone please tell me?
Nick, its currently not in the crown store (which is frustrating). Guild vendors only seem to have belts, bows, daggers and axes (sometimes swords if lucky but I’ve seen it go for 10k which is ridiculous).
Thanks for the info.I’ve have been getting the pieces all I need is blunt wepons,dager,belt,gatlits,and sholder pads. All I really wanted was the armor and to complete all I ever wanted on this game is soul shriven swords which is hard becuse im a level 9 and i cant get it till i complete the game story mode but anyways.
im all most there to completing the armor!!!
All I need is the belt and gatlits and the soul shrven swords
I’ve never got a motif page in my life, I’m veteran rank 16
You have to score the last hit on one of the 4 bosses each one will drop different MOTIF pages