
Immortal Berserker, 2h/2h, PvE, DPS, Tank

Author: Belen


Race: Orc

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

11000 14000 31000




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Two Handed

Evil Hunter

Fighters Guild Skill

Evil Hunter

Expert Hunter


Rearming Trap

Fighters Guild Skill

Rearming Trap

Trap Beast



Two Handed Skill




Wrecking Blow

Two Handed Skill

Wrecking Blow



Reverse Slice

Two Handed Skill

Reverse Slice

Reverse Slash


Dawnbreaker of Smiting

Fighters Guild Skill

Dawnbreaker of Smiting



Bar 2

Weapon 2: Two Handed

Flames of Oblivion

Dragonknight Skill

Flames of Oblivion



Molten Armaments

Dragonknight Skill

Molten Armaments

Molten Weapons



Two Handed Skill




Venomous Claw

Dragonknight Skill

Venomous Claw

Searing Strike


Noxious Breath

Dragonknight Skill

Noxious Breath

Fiery Breath


Berserker Rage

Two Handed Skill

Berserker Rage

Berserker Strike


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
1 5 1


Gear and Item Set Info


For gear, there are a lot of flex spots.

Must have pieces: Hundings Rage x 5 (with both weapons as TwoHanded Swords)

Here is the deal, ALL of the skills included in build are benefits from weapon damage. Heal, durations, Cooldown values, Damage overtime overall and shield from brawler. SO the best option is to go for it and pack with lots of weapon damage. At the moment i have 3071 Unbuffed weapon damage. That's the first thing to understand. No other sets will outperform Hundings. I've tried lots of em and tested accordingly, Hundings gives you the most sustainable and highest damage output in fights.

What i use: Morag Tong jeweleries with 1 body part for 2x 124 weapon damage. 

This is your flex spot, you can use 5th piece for %10 poison damage increase which helps your 2nd bar a lot since all of your damaging abilities are poison based on that bar. But then you gotta forgo the monster set bonuses, which i don't really care about myself. (That was untill i get Selene's and yes, it's better than Kragh's in most situations.)  But you can go anything which gives you 2x  124 weapon damage as set bonuses excluding Draugr Knight, because it comes in Heavy and with Health bonuses rather than Stamina.

Helmet and Shoulder armors: If you are a starter or don't have any monsters sets use 5th Morag Tong piece untill you get them. Rest are explained below;

There are 3 options;

1) 1x Kra'ghs + 1x Molag Kena/Velidreth : This is pretty simple, get more weapon damage with a ton of Physical Penetration. NMG gives you 2.4k, 1x Kra'gh's gives you 1.9k. I ran with this setup for a long time and these provide the highest possible critical damage values with Rearming Trap.

2) 2x Kra'gh's : I don't own the DLCs so Velidreth is not an option for me, idon't think it can outdps the penetrative Kra'gh's tho. This gives you stabilized damage. Aoe from Kra'gh's, Penetration and higher proc chance compared to other sets is amazing. But i do not like using these parts.

3) My favorite: 2x Selenes: Best DPS for both short and long fights. Every 4 secs you crit 25k. Don't forget, when you are on your 2nd bar, weave light attacks while keeping the buffs and dots on you and your target. So procs better. %15 feels like %50. Trust me,if not try it out yourself.

Last but not the least : ENCHANT YOUR JEWLERIES WITH +174 WEAPON DAMAGE X 3. 

This is self explanatory and simple.




General Info


Rotation simplified : 

Main Bar: Wrecking Blow cancels the animations of subsequent Heavy Attack when dots and buffs up.

Second Bar: Light attack weave between buffing yourself and droping dots. Try to minimize the time you spend on this bar.

Plot Twist : Use Rearming trap before starting to wreck havoc with your WB+HA. 


Tried so many builds, classes and gear sets. This one is, by far, the most satisfying toon i've ever played.

This build is for the ppl who likes to fight close and use aggressive tactics to survive in solo play. Tank if needed, grind if you wish, top the DPS charts in Veteran Dungeons with ease and most importantly, show those meta bois who runs with  pre-determined gear and skills what can be achieved outside the meta. Maybe you will not the best DPS when some magsorc with good rotation comes in play, but trust me, he will be curious that how in the earth  a twoHanded build pulls such dps.


All the skills are must have, otherwise this won't work as it's inteded to do. 

Only Flex spot is Flames of Oblivion. You can use Relentless Grip for more CC regarding solo Skyreach/Spellscar and Normal dungeons to pull those caster into the Cleave (Brawler+TwoHandedPassive+ReverseSlice). Other than that, you can use Inner Fire to taunt if it's a must when tanking normals. In Veterans Inner Fire is a must tho. (Not all veterans are meant to be tanked btw).



Champion Point Tips


Ritual: Respectively, Mighty, Precise Strikes untill %12.5 and rest Piercing.

Tower: Warlord, all of em.

The Lady: Respectively Hardy, Elemental Defender and rest Quick Recovery in The Lord.




Build Rating

Rating: 3.8/5. From 16 votes.
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  • BLN
    May 11, 2017


  • B
    May 11, 2017

    Forgot to explain why is this toon “immortal”.

    It’s becuase brawler+rally.

    I didn’t do any single quests including main quest, crafted myself a Hundings with weapons and started to grind Spellscar when i get BRAWLER untill level 50.

  • Shivem
    May 12, 2017

    Im assuming the bar 1 weapon enchant is weapon damage, and bar 2 weapon is poison?


    • B
      May 21, 2017

      Yes, both weapons enchanted with Weapon Damage.

    • b
      May 21, 2017

      The reason we don’t use poison as secondary enchant is the rotation we follow on first bar. WB and HA wastes lots of time in terms of hit/sec so when we are trying to succeed on rotation, you eventually swap bars bc you don’t want to drop those dots, so when you do that the lost attack intervals sometimes conflicts with internal cooldown of the weapon enchant. It is a %10 – 8 dps loss if that happens once you swap to 2nd bar. You would want to keep the enchants up and running.
      Besides, when weaving LA on 2nd bar between dots and buffs, your sword hits much frequently than it does with Heavy attacks on first bar.

  • Sygramyr
    May 14, 2017

    Is this build still viable after the DK/Templar Massacre update?

    • B
      May 21, 2017

      Build is simple and update did not change anything related to those skills whatsoever.
      Still pulls a flactuating 20-30k, in worst case sustainable 20-25k.
      Biggest plus is, you don’t die.

  • Wandris
    May 21, 2017

    Looking at clarification on gear. What is the best enhancement/glyphs for armor?

    • Wandris
      May 21, 2017

      By enhancement I mean traits for the crafted armor/weapons and the best glyph enhancements for the armor. Perhaps this should be obvious but I do not want to make a mistake. Thx.

      • b
        May 24, 2017

        Keep it simple, All stamina and weapon damage on both weapons. And don’t forget to enchant jeweleries.

  • murilo
    May 29, 2017

    Do you think that with this build it is possible to complete the maelstrom arena vet?

  • The_Real_MadMatt
    May 31, 2017

    You have corrupted my friend’s mind and made him believe this was a suitable build as main tank in our comp. We are now doomed!

  • Josh (aka BoobHead)
    May 31, 2017


  • Josh (aka BoobHead)
    May 31, 2017

    Josh (aka BoobHead) here, just thought I would keep you guys updated on how this build has helped my team. It hasn’t. Our probably autistic friend is literally bending us over and bumming us as this tank build offers no cc. I have seen bladeless potato peelers with more peeling. If you hear anything from ANBUSquark please let him know this is not a team orientated build!

    Good day and farewell!

    Josh (aka BoobHead)

  • LittleBitRusty
    Jun 15, 2017

    OK, Stupid question.. I’m lvl 43, have almost all of this build in my current setup, still working on getting the hunters trap.. but what is HA ? I know the WB you speak of is wrecking blow, but I don’t see any skills with HA? yea.. total newb.. but hey.. I’m trying.. I like the total 2hnd setup, but I’m finding alot of builds don’t use them… sucks.. a 2hnd nord should be a powerhouse.. but it’s not so much in this game..

    • b
      Jun 20, 2017

      HA refers to Heavy Attack. Yes you can use this with a Nord as well, but don’t expect better survival because of the passives.

      %x damage reduction overall VS more STAMINA=more Cleaves and instablocks

      Which is better for you ? The answer should be carving your way out rather than trying to survive. IF not, then this is not your build. You better stick with max health and traditional tanking stats/gear.

  • b
    Jun 20, 2017

    This is an advanced build and playstyle, just because you didn’t play with this like i do for months and couldn’t get used to tanking with a DD setup doesn’t mean this build is just “casual”. I do tank most of the time because i doN’T want to wait in LFG for 40 mins and guess what, almost everyone in my team happily follows me while trying to understand how a tank can hold a bunch of mobs and pull 30k all the time.

    Like i said, this build is not for everyone’s taste and most importantly, skill cap.

  • b
    Jun 20, 2017

    Besides, i didn’t say anything about tanking trials.
    A Solo veteran dungeon is the limit this build has to offer. Nothing more.

    Xar’lugh is the name, add me on EU to see it in action in Vpledges/farming.

  • greg
    Mar 15, 2018

    im at 86 cp. i dont have hundings yet. but I feel like my dps with this build is borx hard already. the rotation has to be so exact. I can hardly get 8k on a dummy. im about to give up on this build. give me some faith or an update.

  • greg
    Mar 17, 2018

    send me a link to the rotation in action

  • Jdmkid
    Dec 24, 2018

    I just started and i can’t figure out how im supposed to split my health/mag/stam points since you wrote the amount of health instead of the amount of point haha, can you “translate” pl0x ??

  • muhmood
    Apr 16, 2019

    how do you keep aggro with this?


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