Make Fun Not Cheese
Dual Wield, Two Handed
In which the author attempts to relate to you a few moves that are a lot of fun to use.
Dual Wield, Two Handed
In which the author attempts to relate to you a few moves that are a lot of fun to use.
One Handed And Shield, One Handed And Shield
This build is designed around being self sufficient as a pure tank for group activities. It all revolves around spamming the ransack (puncture) so by spending points on lowering the stamina cost, you can effectively taunt everything constantly and with this build everytime you puncture you heal and do big damage.
So as you can see from the sets chosen, if you can lower your stamina cost, you can taunt every 0.5 second and heal for 4k everytime you do so, whilst dealing 6k every 4s
One Handed And Shield, Restoration Staff
A PVP Magicka DK, very very easy group PVP—-easy Small Group PVP—–normal Solo PVP
has Really good DPS and good Healing.
One Handed And Shield, One Handed And Shield
Destruction Staff, Destruction Staff
solo endgame viable DPS build with great surviability and pretty easy gear to obtain
One Handed And Shield, One Handed And Shield
A high defense Magicka DK centered around a flame battlemage theme, with some really good kill potential. Best in small group PvP
Two Handed, One Handed And Shield
Bulky Poison damage build for PVP.