Classic Templar Healer
Restoration Staff, Destruction Staff
Generic healing templar.
Restoration Staff, Destruction Staff
Generic healing templar.
One Handed And Shield, Restoration Staff
If you want to be solid at healing you and your friends, and be able to stand in front of anything and take its best shots. Try this build and gear set up I promise you will be mowing down vet 16 dungeons with your 3 buddies rocking dps. It’s alot of fun and fast pace, can you keep up?
One Handed And Shield, One Handed And Shield
tank, healer, templar, imperial, veteran dungeons, run with 3 dps, dungeon easy mode, meat medic
Restoration Staff, One Handed And Shield
short video attached to see ingame play
One Handed And Shield, Restoration Staff
Want to front line heal like a boss? Want to frustrate the hell out of your opponents? Want to be able to show those gankers that you wont take their shit? This is the build for you.
Dual Wield, Destruction Staff
Want to play as a vampire but can’t get their skill line to actually work with your build? Then this might be the thing for you.
Keep in mind that this guide is not meant achieve the highest DPS possible in PVE. Rather it’s meant to serve as a template to help players who want to play as vampires fit the vampire skills in their playstyle.
+Team healing potential
+Great for roleplay
-Suboptimal effectiveness
-Tricky to master