Bow Free Dps
Dual Wield, Two Handed
For fellow haters of bows
Bow, Two Handed
This build is a work in progress. Just created it and leveling it now.
Two Handed, Bow
Stamina Nightblade – Molag Kena, Clever Alchemist, Viper’s Sting
All Stamina Attribute Points
Weapon Damage Build (Stealth)
One-Shot Build (PvP)
Dual Wield, Bow
Ranger – High speed attacks with ranged poke/denial ability
Dual Wield, Bow
Im currently playing this build as I a work in progress, but I wanted to share my creation and maybe help someone who was interested in the Nightblade class or is having trouble finding a true Assassin that actually makes use of his Dual Daggers.
I am having alot of fun with this build and let me know what you think! Feedback is always welcome.
Im most likely going to attempt to take this PvP soon, so ill see how that works out.
Add me on Xbox: Gamertag= NUKExFERRIGNO
Dual Wield, Two Handed
Stamina Nightblade : Timeless build : Good Recovery/Self Sustainability : High burst DMG
Destruction Staff, Restoration Staff
good at pve and very strong in 1 on 1 and small group pvp (with some abilities swapped around). the only people i lose to in pvp are the sorcs and magick dk’s who spam immobles but their cancer so who cares. very good distance build with a lot of versatility. i have completed vet trials with this build and got the duelist title with this build so it’s very strong.
Dual Wield, Two Handed
Stamina Nightblade PVP Build (Homestead)