Destruction Staff, Restoration Staff
dps and heal
Two Handed, One Handed And Shield
This build has the capability to become very very powerful in most areas of tanking and can be used in PvP and PvE quite comfortably.
One Handed And Shield, One Handed And Shield
Templar tank health hybrid build. PVE trials and dungeons. Thieves guild and Dark brotherhood.
One Handed And Shield, Restoration Staff
maximum reistances possible while having 32-33k magicka and 2300(ish) spell power and impen for other players in medium to small scale PVP (though effective-ness is not affected in Large Scae).
Restoration Staff, Restoration Staff
Extremely strong healing build with burst heals, HoTs, and Damage Shields. Keep everyone alive, and (with enough CPs) enjoy a tanker healer.