One Handed And Shield, Dual Wield
This build is designed for group play PVP where the sacrifice of very high damage for above-average survivability means winning
It makes use of a relatively high Critical hit chance with enough low cost multiple hit abilities to make the most of it Your victory in battles will rely on good buff/de-buff management and being able to drain as much stamina & resistance as you can out of your opponent
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Dual Wield, Two Handed
Silver bolts is the main source of dos
– Repentance after a couple kills
– vigor fro self and team healing
– the rest is self explanatory
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Dual Wield, Restoration Staff
Dual Wield, Restoration Staff
This build is for PvP, as I have not done PvE with it yet. It is a ranged magicka build with a good amount of survivability and lots of damage.
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One Handed And Shield, Dual Wield
This Stamina Templar build is designed for PVP and PVE with a slant of focus towards PVP. I have it on AD Khajit but that is not a requirement.
Due to its lack of focus, it works best in small-medium groups, and if done right you will often find yourself making a big difference. It also has a range of interesting ability options that differs from the normal Wrecking Blow spam Stamina builds
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Dual Wield, Restoration Staff
This is my PvP templar build. It does a lot of damage and heals your allies on the battlefield.
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Dual Wield, Restoration Staff
Looking for a “good enough” DPS and healing hybrid?! This might be the solution for your problems…
Destruction Staff, Two Handed
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Destruction Staff, Two Handed
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Restoration Staff, Dual Wield
healer build
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