
Dps tank frontline

Author: Nordic Knightmare

Dps tank frontline


Race: Nord

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

1 out of 3 2 out of 3 0 out of 3




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Two Handed

Flame Lash

Dragonknight Skill

Flame Lash

Lava Whip


Coagulating Blood

Dragonknight Skill

Coagulating Blood

Dragon Blood


Flames of Oblivion

Dragonknight Skill

Flames of Oblivion




Two Handed Skill


Critical Charge


Burning Embers

Dragonknight Skill

Burning Embers

Searing Strike


Standard of Might

Dragonknight Skill

Standard of Might

Dragonknight Standard


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Two Handed

Noxious Breath

Dragonknight Skill

Noxious Breath

Fiery Breath


Fiery Grip

Dragonknight Skill

Fiery Grip


Flames of Oblivion

Dragonknight Skill

Flames of Oblivion




Two Handed Skill




Wrecking Blow

Two Handed Skill

Wrecking Blow



Standard of Might

Dragonknight Skill

Standard of Might

Dragonknight Standard


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
0 0 7


Gear and Item Set Info


Coming soon


General Info


This build is meant for an aggressive player who wants survivability to go with power the build will be updated when new changes and ideas emerge





Build Rating

Rating: 2.6/5. From 10 votes.
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  • LittleBitRusty
    Mar 9, 2017

    What do you mean by the Health, Magika and Stamina? 1 of 3, 2 of 3? I’ve seen some of the other builds on here using different terminology… like some say put 20 points here 10 points here.. ect.. “Which is easiest to follow” while some others say.. 30k health.. 20k.. stamina.. ect… but I don’t get the 1 of 3, 2 of 3, and 0 of 3 on this build…

    • LittleBitRusty
      Mar 9, 2017

      And what about passives? Which ones to take and how soon?

    • LittleBitRusty
      Mar 9, 2017

      What About passives?

    • Magnuts
      Mar 11, 2017

      Yeah, I don’t get that either. Have no idea what he means by HEALTH 1 out of 3, MAGICKA 2 out of 3, STAMINA 0 out of 3. Nordic Knightmare could pls clarify what you mean? 😉

      Like what LittleBitRusty said “20 points here 10 points here” is the easiest to way convey what points you’d suggest for this build. Thanks!!

      • Magnuts
        Mar 11, 2017

        On my first character I put 100% of points into Health. But I noticed my magicka would run out pretty quick, stamina not as fast but soon after magicka. 😀

      • Piotr
        Mar 12, 2017

        I would assume he meant 1 out of every 3 points you have into that’s stat, 2/3 into another and 0/3 into the third stat. So if you have 64 points to spend, 2/3rds would be into main stat, 1/3 into secondary stat and nothing into final stat.

        • Baller
          Mar 15, 2017

          Yes, of course this is what it means. What else would it mean? I’ve been reading over stuff like this because I’m new, and I have seen some of the dumbest questions. Really starting to worry about this community.

          • LittleBitRusty
            Mar 17, 2017

            Well, I am very new to this game Baller.. and I was basically comment on how inconsistent all of the descriptions are in these builds as to where to put stat points. Being only lvl 17, its hard to make a build that follows using the guidelines of 1 of 3 here 2 of 3 here.. ect… it would be better to say something like you want to end up with 30 points here and 20 here, ect… And I’ve never heard anything about if I should be using my points on passive skills, and when or what lvl to start putting them in play…
            That being said.. I’ve been running this build for a week now and I’m liking it, but I don’t care for all the magic skills… I guess I’m picturing my 2handed brawler using stamina skills and true brute force skills, rather than some magic… its just not what I pictured a 2 handed sword wielding knight/brawler to be..

  • Caydon DeMoss
    Mar 16, 2017

    What of combos and useful and unique ways of using these abilities?

  • Ben
    Mar 30, 2017

    Would any1 know what armour to use


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