Stam Sorc Faux Tank

Race: Orc
Main Role: Damage
Health, Magicka, Stamina
17000 | 9600 | 35700 |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: One Handed And Shield

Fighters Guild Skill
Rearming Trap

One Hand And Shield Skill
Heroic Slash

Sorcerer Skill
Bound Armaments

Sorcerer Skill
Dark Deal

One Hand And Shield Skill
Pierce Armor

Fighters Guild Skill
Flawless Dawnbreaker
Bar 2
Weapon 2: Bow

Sorcerer Skill
Critical Surge

Sorcerer Skill

Sorcerer Skill
Bound Armaments

Bow Skill
Poison Injection

Bow Skill
Endless Hail

Werewolf Skill
Werewolf Berserker
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
0 | 7 | 0 |
Gear and Item Set Info
Briarheart Set precise bow (weapon power enchant), precise one-handed weapon (crusher enchant), divine shield, plus 3 more pieces in divine (or robust for jewelry)
Twice Fanged Serpent x 5 pieces in divine (or robust for jewelry)
All jewelry pieces with Weapon Damage enchant. All armor pieces with Stamina enchant.
General Info
With Warrior Mundus, bi-stats food, and all the buffs up, you should get about 40k Max Stamina and 4k Weapon Damage. The buff from Briarheart set can only proc on your 1H&Shield Bar but not your Bow bar tho. The raw stats should be passable for a dps but the skill sets are meant for a dungeon tank.
Always keep Critical Surge and Hurriance up. Start combat with Endless Hail and Poison Injection. Lay down Rearming Trap and let mobs come into melee range. With 2 AOE DoT skills and 2 single-target DoT skills going on, it should be easy to proc Iceheart's damage shield and Briarheart's damage buff, and with 5 sources of DoT you should keep getting healed from Critical Surge. With 8k damage shield every 6 sec and the non-stop self-healing you should be able to survive trash mobs and most bosses.
No spammable attack is slotted because you have to perform your tank duty: Pierce Armor and Heroic Slash on bosses and other high-threat targets. Block heavy attacks. Bash/Interrupt channelled attacks. Roll dodge from red circles. Pull boss to face away from group.
While doing that, recast your Buff and DoT skills when they expire. And Dark Deal to restore stamina when you run low.
As long as you don't get one-shot, you can self-heal and get the free shield up quickly even when the healer is down. But with 17k health and just a 8k shield you can get one-shot in some veteran dungeons, so keep Heroic Slash's debuff on boss at all time, and make sure you block / roll dodge from potentially one-shot attacks.
The reason to suffer such low health and low defense is that, even if you are not running any spammable attacks and not running Rending Slashes and Rend, you are still doing 15k~20k dps with just the DoT and light-attack weaving. That 20k dps could be 30~50% of group dps in PUG, or even higher if you're unlucky.
So this is a moderately survivable build that can deal moderate amount of damage while performing basic tank duties, an inoptimal build designed to play with inoptimal group. It is good enough at least to run all normal dungeons, and most non-DLC dungeons.
some misinformation i left up there:
briarheart actually does not proc on DoT. it only procs on direct damage. so it might not be as much of an improvement over hunding rage as i thought it was.