Tava’s Plague (PVP Strong)

Race: Nord
Main Role: Tank
Health, Magicka, Stamina
28k-34k up to 40k with buffs | 13000 | 64 points (21800) |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: One Handed And Shield

Dragonknight Skill
Unrelenting Grip

One Hand And Shield Skill

Dragonknight Skill
Choking Talons

One Hand And Shield Skill
Absorb Magic

One Hand And Shield Skill
Heroic Slash

Assault Skill
Aggressive Horn
Bar 2
Weapon 2: One Handed And Shield

Dragonknight Skill
Igneous Shield

Undaunted Skill
Inner Rage

Medium Armor Skill

Dragonknight Skill
Volatile Armor

Assault Skill
Resolving Vigor

Dragonknight Skill
Magma Shell
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
0 | 0 | 7 |
Gear and Item Set Info
5 Plague Doctor - I chose 5 plague doctor since Its gives me a bunch of health with lots of survivability when knocked down especially in a group event; The 4% healing recieved makes this a very viable set and you will also be spending points on quick recovery which is even more powerful with the Plague Doctor passives.
5 Tava's Favor - I chose 5 set Tava's favor for both sword and shield weapon swaps with decisive on the buffs bar and infused on the first action bar. the first enchant can be a poison or a cheaper good enchant, I recommend Crusher as the effect are increased by infused trait and you build up a bunch of ultimate. For example I did cradle and on the last boss I was able to pull out 6 ultimate abilities through out while purely buffing and giving the rest of my group a damage increase.
2 Hist bark for those who dont have the means to get Blood Spawn. - I chose Hist bark for now as it gives more physical resistance, you will be a bit on the low side of resistance for after getting your gear which is why i suggest a 2 set for hist bark plus you can craft it easily as it is only a 5 trait set.
IN PLACE OF HIST BARK--- 2 Blood Spawn set for helm and shoulders as this provides you with a guaranteed fast ultimate gain, you'll be able to cast soul beam for example every like 10 seconds or so. SO using blood spawn set instead of Hist bark should be priority. Hist bark for now and Blood spawn as main set.
General Info
The best way to know how to play the build is to test it out for yourself and get comfortable, U may switch out molten armaments for Inner fire for PvE. PVP if morphed, mine isnt atm but I can say that this is an op build. Whether the fact may be that it isn't insane in DPS, Your opponent will have a very hard time getting you down 5% fro myour maximum health keeping ur buffs up using a lot of heavy attacks<-IMPORTANT. this will also help recover ur stam, I will go into detail about champion point below. For Example: I duelled a dps build healer with tank gear and dps weapons insane buffs and a great set bonus, meanwhile I have been off ESO for a while and I suck at dps but I love tanking so I switched back to it recently..the reason I only have 208 Champion level, The man I duelled was champion 540. We started the duel and he couldnt get me below 32k hp from 34k hp. Mana use needs to be monitored but you can be wreckless with what u use. while fighting he would heal and heal, but I was able to get him down from 40k hp to 17k hp consistently using grips and bashing to interrupt important ..heheh..mechanics. also to keep up ur consistent use of ur set bonus keep up all ur buffs and most importantly ur heroic slash.
Champion Point Tips
Apprentice- Blessed goal is 100 and Elfborn at 67 at lower levels put about a third more into Blessed and 2/3rds into Elfborn as best you can.
Lady- Evenly split between Elemental Defender and Thick-skinned
Lord- Up to 45 in Quick recovery. be sure to have enough to split between lord and lady.
Tower- Evenly split between Warlord and magician maybe 50 and 50
Lover- about 65 into arcanist
Shadow- you're too big to stay hidden...
can this build be used for Nord?
hey man, yes it can be used with nord in fact i base this around a nord race particularily for the damage reduction. Though keep in mind that at lower levels of champion use most of ur points in magicka based areas mentioned in the build and use a little less for stamina but make sure its balanced. a high elf would be good too as their passives are great too.
Would you use aggressive warhorn or sturdy warhorn if it was morphed?
this is all completely personal, I mean you could do a small amount of spell resist for the whole trial or regular group of people, but the thing is they might not be pulling enough dps as some builds are just extremely bad for dps regardless of what talents u take. So I recommend Aggressive war horn as it increases the groups critical strike chance by 30 and tbh 8 seconds is long enough to do a bunch of damage, yeah I know it can be annoying trying to build up the ultimate, but if you switch out the hist bark for the blood spawn set of shoulders and helmet, then you shouldn’t face any problems buulding it up fast enough to be a very useful talent.
Yeah, thanks I ended up putting on aggressive war horn and have much better success with it especially with inexperienced groups. 🙂
What traits has to be on all armor and weapons please?
so for jewelry i have the healthy traits, for more hp, then i use the sturdy trait on as muchas as i can. its possible to go with more armor over reduced block but u will be blockign a lot. so try for strudy for most of it if u can help it. for the weapons i use the ultimate builder. as explained above the ultimates will proc very very soon in short amoutns of time and given no cd to worrry about, u could potentially see each ultimate activation with in a time frame of 5 secs minimum after the use of one. u can stack one with the other if built fast enough corrosive armor with war horn is great. just remember to keep attacking and blocking while building shields.