
The lazy dps

The lazy dps


Race: Altmer (High Elf)

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

12501 35214 11909




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Destruction Staff

Liquid Lightning

Sorcerer Skill

Liquid Lightning

Lightning Splash


Elemental Blockade

Destruction Staff Skill

Elemental Blockade

Wall of Elements


Hardened Ward

Sorcerer Skill

Hardened Ward

Conjured Ward


Summon Volatile Familiar

Sorcerer Skill

Summon Volatile Familiar

Summon Unstable Familiar


Inner Light

Mages Guild Skill

Inner Light




Mages Guild Skill



Bar 2

Weapon 2: Destruction Staff

Daedric Minefield

Sorcerer Skill

Daedric Minefield

Daedric Mines


Daedric Prey

Sorcerer Skill

Daedric Prey

Daedric Curse


Harness Magicka

Light Armor Skill

Harness Magicka



Summon Volatile Familiar

Sorcerer Skill

Summon Volatile Familiar

Summon Unstable Familiar


Power Surge

Sorcerer Skill

Power Surge



Elemental Rage

Destruction Staff Skill

Elemental Rage

Elemental Storm


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
5 2 0


Gear and Item Set Info


Necropotence is the main armor set for this. The goal is all Divines, one or two Invigorating doesnt hurt to use while learning.

Grothdarr for the head and shoulders. The lava pool is pretty much always active giving you another 2k damage.

Currently running Ebon lightning on bar 1 and Ebon inferno on bar 2.


General Info



(before running in summon the volatile familiar and use power surge)

Liquid Lightning -> Elemental Blockade -> Volatile Surge -> Swap bars -> Daedric Prey -> Daedric Mines -> Swap -> heavy attack x2 -> repeat

Depending on the dungeon you can swap out a few things. Crystal Frags is a good swap for slot 3 on bar 1. Or both shield options with pulsar and frags. 





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