
Imperial City Bosses

The Imperial City has many new enemies to fight including new World Bosses and Dungeon Bosses.

There will also be 12 roaming bosses which will wander around the Imperial City Sewers and the 6 city districts.

The Imperial City Sewers

  • Ebral the Betrayer
  • Emperor Leovic
  • Gati the Storm Sister
  • Hzu-Hakan
  • Lady of the Deep
  • Otholug gro-Goldfolly
  • Secundinus the Despoiler
  • Taebod the Gatekeeper
  • Wadracki

The Imperial City

These are likely to be the roaming bosses inside the city itself. We don’t know any more at this stage.

  • General Nazenaechar
  • General Zamachar
  • General Kryozote
  • Lady of the Depths
  • Taebod the Gatekeeper
  • Secundinus the Despoiler
  • Emperor Leovic
  • Otholug gro-Goldfolly
  • Ebral the Betrayer
  • Wadracki
  • Hzu-Hakan
  • Gati the Storm Sister

Imperial City Arena

This is supposed to be a PVE arena but we don’t know exactly how it will work. It might be a bit like the Dragonstar Arena in Craglorn.

  • The Devourer
  • Uzzai
  • Migoruz
  • The Game Master

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