

Author: MindOfTheSwarm


Race: Orc

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

20k approx No Investment 30k or more




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Dual Wield

Venomous Claw

Dragonknight Skill

Venomous Claw

Searing Strike


Noxious Breath

Dragonknight Skill

Noxious Breath

Fiery Breath


Blood Craze

Dual Wield Skill

Blood Craze

Twin Slashes



Dual Wield Skill




Flames of Oblivion

Dragonknight Skill

Flames of Oblivion



Corrosive Armor

Dragonknight Skill

Corrosive Armor

Magma Armor


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Bow

Flames of Oblivion

Dragonknight Skill

Flames of Oblivion



Acid Spray

Bow Skill

Acid Spray

Arrow Spray


Poison Injection

Bow Skill

Poison Injection

Poison Arrow


Rearming Trap

Fighters Guild Skill

Rearming Trap

Trap Beast


Igneous Weapons

Dragonknight Skill

Igneous Weapons

Molten Weapons


Toxic Barrage

Bow Skill

Toxic Barrage

Rapid Fire


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
0 7 0


Gear and Item Set Info


5 Piece Morag Tong (Jewellery and Daggers)

5 Piece Swamp Raider (Armor)

2 Piece Spawn of Mephala

* 1 Master's Bow.

Enchant Daggers with Poison Glyphs or Equip a Lethal Health Poison

PVE focused so go full divines on armor and go with Warrior Mundus stone.

You should not have regen issues, but if you do put 1 or 2 on your jewellery.


General Info


Very similar to the original Venomous Dragon but modified for Trials and Dungeon crawling.

You can find the original build here:

Because it is PVE focused go full 7 Medium for max crit.

Buff up with Igneous and Flames of Oblivion. Rearming trap, Poison Injection, Acid Spray, switch weapons, Noxious Breath, Venomous Claws, Blood Craze, 2 Blood Thirst and repeat. Throw down either Toxic Barrage for offense and Corrosive Armor if things are sticky. If it's a hard hitting boss and you are struggling, keep up the Blood Craze/Thirst, switch out Blood Craze for Resolving Vigor if your healer isn't top tier. Your Damage over time with this build will be through the roof. Perfect for single target damage. If facing a boss with tons of adds, you can always spam Acid Spray. The Master's Bow buffs weapon damage affected by Poison Injection so you can really put out the hurt. Even Shadow Silk can be substituted for Blood Craze if your team often uses synergies. Mix in some fully charged heavies for the poison AOE of Mephala's fully buffed by your Morag Tong set.

Your Swamp Raider set will be procced all the time by the Flames of Oblivion skill.

Swamp Raider plus Morag Tong is the highest Poison DPS that I could possibly find that does not rely on proc sets.

If you wish you can lose Swamp Raider for Viper's Sting or Poisonous Serpent. With Poisonous Serpent the rotation will differ slightly as you will need to mix in light attacks with your skills for the proc chance, but both Viper and Serpent are buffed by Morag Tong. If you do decide to lose Swamp Raider, ditch Flames of Oblivion for Camo Hunter.

You're a poison dealing machine.

Have Fun!!!


Champion Point Tips


See original build for CP investment, nothing really needs changing:




Build Rating

Rating: 4.2/5. From 16 votes.
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  • Farscape
    Feb 15, 2017

    Holy…. New and improved I would say. Poison dealing insanity lol. Can’t go wrong with this build. you would be hard pressed to find higher DPS on a poison build, well done.

  • Chris King
    Feb 21, 2017

    hi i gave this a try and i like it thanks for all the info and explaining everything i was able to copy everything and do rotation from this ++

    ty very much im doing good damge with this

  • Lampaler
    Feb 22, 2017

    Nice set. Personally I always favor damage morphs over healing ones, so I would pick Rapid Strikes over Bloodthirst and use Resolving Vigor (or Green Dragon Blood if you haven’t unlocked Vigor) instead of Blood Craze. That way you have a solid damage skill and a solid healing skill rather than having two that are half way between. Might be more efficient.

    Also, Steel Tornado will be far more efficient for adds then Noxious Breath and Acid Spray combined. I would put Noxious Breath in your Acid Spray slot (which will help you quick swap bars too) and put Steel Tornado where Noxious Breath was.

    That’s just my opinion, I could be entirely wrong. xD

  • Ricky Spanish
    Feb 22, 2017

    definitely seems awesome. my friend and i had an idea for a venom dk , now i know what to base myself on. should i use imperial for more base stats or stick to orc?

  • MILLERx25
    Mar 10, 2017

    Any advice on passives?

  • Feo2000
    Mar 15, 2017

    What skill lines do i spend my skill points in ?

  • Romp3rstomper69
    Apr 14, 2017

    Do you have an exact champion point detail to where they go?

  • Romp3rstomper69
    Apr 14, 2017

    Just wondering if you could update it will the exact cp alloction? Cheers

  • ShaoKhann
    May 19, 2017

    Hey, I’m curious on if this build would be viable for pve after the morrowind patch? And also, how high of a lvl would I have to be to solo skyreach? I wanna be able to carry friends who need to lvl with like how the sorcs do nowadays. I’m also quite new to eso. Haven’t hit CP lvl but I do like the sound of this build

  • MindOfTheSwarm
    Jul 17, 2017

    Sorry for long reply. Check out the original version of this build for cp allocation. It focuses on Thaumaturge. So full that up to the max. Divide the rest on a 3 Mighty and 1/1 rotation in the others.


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