
Lizard of light. A stamina templar tank

Author: Hellvlad

Lizard of light. A stamina templar tank


Race: Argonian

Main Role: Tank

Health, Magicka, Stamina

0 0 64




Bar 1

Weapon 1: One Handed And Shield

Shielded Assault

One Hand And Shield Skill

Shielded Assault

Shield Charge



One Hand And Shield Skill




Heroic Slash

One Hand And Shield Skill

Heroic Slash

Low Slash


Absorb Magic

One Hand And Shield Skill

Absorb Magic

Defensive Posture



Templar Skill


Restoring Aura


Solar Prison

Templar Skill

Solar Prison



Bar 2

Weapon 2: One Handed And Shield

Restoring Focus

Templar Skill

Restoring Focus

Rune Focus


Extended Ritual

Templar Skill

Extended Ritual

Cleansing Ritual



Heavy Armor Skill




Radiant Ward

Templar Skill

Radiant Ward

Sun Shield


Honor The Dead

Templar Skill

Honor The Dead

Rushed Ceremony


Spell Wall

One Hand And Shield Skill

Spell Wall

Shield Wall


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
0 0 7


Gear and Item Set Info


- Hatchling Shell. A cheap set that basically gives you around 5K HP bonus every 15 seconds and scales well with the champion passive bastion. Pick necklace, rings and 2 pieces of armor,

- Scourge harverster monster set: The proc is just amazing, gives you an additionnal HoT that is really not to be neglected. Pirate skeletton is also another possible option as you get a nice boost to both your physical and spell resistance, along with a nice proc. The healing reduction is not such a problem when all damage you take is reduced by 30%

- For the Set including weapon, shield, and 3 armor pieces, I like to go with a crafted one, because I like to pick my own style. If you don't care about your looks at all, some dungeon sets like Ebon are just great. If you want to go through crafting, depending on you crafting level the choices you have are:

- Twice born star: If you pick all your armor traits in divines the bonus from 2 mundus stones can be really huge.

- Since you are using Unstopable or shuffle, armor master is also nice and give you even more incentive to keep these buffs on

- If you can't get  9 traits crafted sets, you can also pick Noble's conquest, Whitestrakes reribution or Song of Lamae, they all do fine.


For the traits:

If you use twice born star, you will want divines on all armor pieces. Keep sturdy on your shield, Defending for your weapons.

If you do not use TBS, sturdy is your best option, but infused works well. You can also use 1 piece with impenetrable if you fear the rare crit a NPC can do. If you lack physical resistance, reinforced is not such a bad choice either. Finally if you think you could use more phisicall AND more spell resitance, you can always go for some nirnhoned pieces.


Armor: Stamina. Put some Life if you don't reach 28K buffed

Weapons: Glyph of hardening is my favorite

Jewelry: lots of options, pick what you feel you lack the most, I like to go with Shielding or spell resitence


General Info


Pretty straightforward tanking build for stamina templar intended for vet dungeans and trials, with the intention to take advantage of the multiple buffs and self heals the templar class skills provide.

Depending on what stuff you have access too and your final stats a few things can be tweaked regarding the skills:

- change Unstoppable to Shuffle (meduim armor skill) if you are reaching the cap in physical/ spell resitance to get 20% dodge instead

- Replace Breath of life with Vigor if you have the patience doing PvP,

- The slot for Heroic slash is the most circumstantial. Use this on bosses with mechanics able to one shot randolmly ( vet Banished cells1, vet Spinderclutch..) You can use Biting jabs for some AOE assitance, for trash packs or luminous shards if you want to assit your group with stam regen ( but be careful with your own magica, your pool is tight)

- You can swich spell wall for a Sturdy horn if you are brave enough to go on PVP to unlock it


Gameplay wise, from bar 2 cast Unstoppable, switch to bar 1, Charge and taunt, once settled on the positionning, switch to bar 2 and cast extended ritual and restoring focus. Keep them up all along the fight. Use radiant ward just before hard hitting mechanics and use Honor the Dead for the "oh shit" moments.

Switch back to bar 1 as soon as you buffed yourself

Your main ultimate will be the solar prison, reducing damage made by mobs by 30%, but Spell wall can be handy if you run out of stamina

Repentance will greatly help your stamina regen if corpses are around, and the absorb magic is mainly here for the passive boost to your damage blocking.

For the rest:

Race: I picked argonain due to the versatility of the passives for all the 3 stats and the nice bonus at received healing ( + argonians look awesome). You can also do fine with a Nord, Imperial or an Orc

Food: tri stats if you can aford it. Else, the worthgar max health + stam regen will work nicely

Mundus stone: Whatever suits best. As this is the buff you can modify at no cost and as often as you want, I would advise to pick it last depending on what you want to do and what stat you want to buff. You might want to consider extra HP, extra spell or health resistence or stamina regen

Potions: Health / Stamina potion works nice, with the argonain passives, the benefits will be even further extended.



Champion Point Tips



Hardy 60 / Elemental defender 60 / Thick Skinned 20 / Bastion 40 / Quick recovery 20


Warlord 90 / Magician 30 / Mooncalf 40 / Healthy 40


Blessed 80 / Mighty 40 / Precise Strikes 40 / Piercing 40




Build Rating

Rating: 3.9/5. From 9 votes.
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  • Connor D
    May 16, 2017

    do you think this would still be a good build if the sword and shield was changed to a two handed weapon and the active skills wer changed as well

    • Hellvlad
      May 18, 2017

      I guess you want to switch for a 2h weapon for the 2nd bar. This can definitively be an option, as the Rally (morph fro momentum) could be really useful self HoT. In addition the 2H passives would help the stam and magica regen if you land some heavy strikes. You will obviously lose access to the Spell wall ultimate, but if you go for the War horn, this won’t make a difference. My Dragonknight tank actually uses 1h+shield and 2H. However I prefer here the Honor the Dead skill to the momentum for my emergency self heal, plus keeping 1h + shield on both bars allows me to make sure I will always have both of my 5 pieces set bonuses active all the time.


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