
Non-Cheese magplar dueling

Author: BadonkaGronk862


Race: Argonian

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

0 64 0




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Destruction Staff


Mages Guild Skill




Destructive Reach

Destruction Staff Skill

Destructive Reach

Destructive Touch


Puncturing Sweep

Templar Skill

Puncturing Sweep

Puncturing Strikes


Inner Light

Mages Guild Skill

Inner Light



Elemental Drain

Destruction Staff Skill

Elemental Drain

Weakness to Elements


Dawnbreaker of Smiting

Fighters Guild Skill

Dawnbreaker of Smiting



Bar 2

Weapon 2: One Handed And Shield

Vampire's Bane

Templar Skill

Vampire's Bane

Sun Fire


Extended Ritual

Templar Skill

Extended Ritual

Cleansing Ritual


Channeled Focus

Templar Skill

Channeled Focus

Rune Focus


Purifying Light

Templar Skill

Purifying Light



Honor The Dead

Templar Skill

Honor The Dead

Rushed Ceremony


Shooting Star

Mages Guild Skill

Shooting Star



Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
1 1 5


Gear and Item Set Info


-----Front (damage) Bar-----

2 Slimecraw/Valkyn Skoia

1 Master's lightning staff (sharpened)

5 Impreg (heavy) 

3 Spell Power Cure 

-----Back (heal/block)Bar-----

2 Slimecraw/Valkyn Skoia

Sword and board SPC

5 Impreg



General Info


This build is specifically for those dueling tourney's that have loads of rules like "no devouring swarm, no templar bubble, no healing ultimates, etc. Honestly it works really well over all... although i would highly recommend using the templat bubble on all templar builds: its amazing...

Regardless, this is a big boi heavy armor templar build focsed on a 3-point rotation: ALWAYS have vampires bane on target (slow, dot, if vlakyn proc) ALWAYS have purifying ligh on cooldown. ALWAYS shock reach on cc immune cool down. that makes this seemingly highly defensive build really pressure heavy.


Burst is all buffs, right as a purifying light is about to pop hit dawn breaker. thats generally enough to burst most players. 


Toughest fight is against stamplars. The only hope you have is to keep them preoccupied with the constant CC and dots so they eventualy ither run low on mag, or let a purifying light proc.


Champion Point Tips


Nothing particularly out of the normal. Just buff up block cost reduction and spell erosion (heavy armor can be damaging if you really dum points in here)




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