
Beginner Stamblade


Race: Orc

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

0 0 64




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Dual Wield

Blood Craze

Dual Wield Skill

Blood Craze

Twin Slashes



Dual Wield Skill





Dual Wield Skill



Relentless Focus

Nightblade Skill

Relentless Focus

Grim Focus


Deadly Cloak

Dual Wield Skill

Deadly Cloak

Blade Cloak


Incapacitating Strike

Nightblade Skill

Incapacitating Strike

Death Stroke


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Bow

Poison Injection

Bow Skill

Poison Injection

Poison Arrow


Leeching Strikes

Nightblade Skill

Leeching Strikes

Siphoning Strikes


Killer's Blade

Nightblade Skill

Killer's Blade

Assassin's Blade


Endless Hail

Bow Skill

Endless Hail



Dark Shades

Nightblade Skill

Dark Shades

Summon Shade


Rapid Fire

Bow Skill

Rapid Fire


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
1 5 1


Gear and Item Set Info


Don't worry about it until CP160. Wear at least one piece of medium and light so you can level those trees along with medium. 


General Info


Focus on weaving light attacks between each skill use and using your relentless focus spectral arrow every 5 light attacks. Make sure to apply your damage over times (DoTs), use incapacitating strike, and then fire the spectral arrow for maximum damage.


You can replace bloodthirst with surprise attack if you want. You can also replace killer's blade with shadowy disguise and put it on the front bar. You can then go invisible, go behind an enemy and use a heavy attack-->surprise attack. This will stun them and do a ton of damage. Good for PVP too. 

This build doesn't take any special skill lines, so it's easy to level up. 





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