Blademaster 2.0 (Clockwork City Update)

Race: Nord
Main Role: Damage
Health, Magicka, Stamina
20k | 10k | 30k - 37k |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: Two Handed

Dragonknight Skill
Venomous Claw

Two Handed Skill
Reverse Slice

Dragonknight Skill
Flames of Oblivion

Dragonknight Skill
Noxious Breath

Two Handed Skill

Fighters Guild Skill
Dawnbreaker of Smiting
Bar 2
Weapon 2: Bow

Bow Skill
Poison Injection

Fighters Guild Skill
Rearming Trap

Bow Skill
Endless Hail

Assault Skill
Razor Caltrops

Dragonknight Skill
Molten Armaments

Dragonknight Skill
Standard of Might
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
1 | 5 | 1 |
Gear and Item Set Info
The setup is the same as my prior build, but instead of two five pieces I run 5 Hunding's, 4 Night Mother's Embrace, and 2 Velidreth for the extra damage output. Another setup that can be utilized is Briarheart and Oblivion's Edge for the healing and critical. (This setup will work for other classes as I have tested it for Stam Warden and Stamblade)
Update: 5 Hunding's, 5 Spriggan's, 1 Kra'gh's.
One other setup that is viable is Mechanical Acuity, Spriggans, and any monster set you choose.
General Info
I reccommend using max health/stamina regen food to keep yourself going as sustain is now an issue. Keep in mind that this build is still a work in progress and you can adapt it to however you want to play, I've just used what works for me and still pull decent dps while soloing world bosses.
Edit: Also put all attribute points into Stamina, you want to have the highest pool that you possibly can in order to do the most damage.
Update: Dubious Camoran will also work, so there's that option as well. For potions use Health/Stamina or Weapon crit/power + stamina pots.
Champion Point Tips
Warrior: 40 Medium Armor Focus, 43 Hardy, 43 Ele Defender, 43 Thick Skinned, 61 Quick Recovery
Mage: 28 Master-at-arms, 49 Mighty, 21 Piercing, 66 Thaumaturge, 66 Precise Strikes.
Thief: 25 Mooncalf, 100 Tenacity, 30 Warlord, 75 Tumbling
Please spread this around, I want everyone to have a chance to use a setup that has been tested by multiple people including myself. Also I forgot to mention that dual wield will work, I just don’t use it because I’m not running the thief.
Is this a PvP build?
Well it is for pve but can be used in pvp quite effectively.
So how many points should I invest in health magicka and stamina?
Like, can you tell me the number to get to get to 20k, to 10k and to 30k?
I agree this would be helpful, pls.
Full stamina: 64
For 20k health, I have two healthy NME jewelry pieces. I would have 18k but I get health passives from being a nord. 10k magicka is from the undaunted passive Undaunted Mettle since I’m wearing a piece light and heavy. 30k stamina is with full stamina enchants and partly being nord.
What skills would you put in for a dual wield version?
Dual wield? Well you’d have to get your hands on a hunding’s rage axe then a night mother’s embrace dagger which aren’t hard to get. The troll boss in Deshaan drops a sharpened NME dagger sometimes. The skills I’d use instead of Wrecking Blow, Reverse Slice and Rally are Bloodthirst, Rending Slashes, and Steel Tornado. Otherwise the bar is set up the same.
You mention being a nord in the comments but it is listed as High Elf in the build
Crap, thank you for pointing that out for me.
What is the DPS output on this build? Is it better than playing magicka Destruction staff?
I’ve gotten up to 24k dps single target sustained for 3 minutes. And my highest burst was 40k, though for aoe I’ve sustained 60k – 120k dps for a minute.
What passive skills did you choose for this build?
Passive skills? Like armor, guild, weapons and class?
The passive abilities under each skill
Each skill? Well the actual skills have built in passives. Like wrecking blow has a damage bonus, reverse slice is an aoe execute, noxious breath does an aoe debuff and dot. But if you mean passives in general I have all for heavy armor, medium, all class, all guild except for mages, all legerdemain and soul magic, all weapon passives
Would a wood elf pve and breton PvP be better options wood elf has staimina passives and Breton has resist magic passives the wood elf also levels 15% faster with a bow. Staimina is important to block and dodge but magic is op and real players use it better.
I still say nord because Health and Stamina passives with damage reduction. Bretons are better for magicka builds so I wouldn’t make a stamina breton, and wood elves are best for glass cannon builds so that kind of takes out the whole “survivable” part of the build. Plus bow isn’t the main damage of the build. You’re welcome to do your own take on it so that bow is your main damage but this is /my/ setup and I’ve taken out many of those real players in pvp.
Did anyone alter this for an Orc dk?
I think the setup will work the same for an orc, it just needs to be played differently. I’ve never run one before so I couldn’t tell you.
What are you using for ultimates? 😉
Nm….I’m an idiot
Dawnbreaker of Smiting, Onslaught, Take Flight, Corrosive Armor, Standard of Might, Soul Assault, and Ballista are all the ones I use. Mix and match 😛
Mind giving a break down on the set up of clothes weapons.. ?
Divines? I’m trying this build but seem to be low on health.
No problem! I am using full divines armor for the extra regen but if I really needed to I could have used infused chest or legs and put a health enchant on them. But I personally have two Healthy jewelry pieces and one robust jewelry.
What exactly are all your skill points in? SS a pic? Please and thank you 🙂
I have all 399 skyshards and less than 10 skillpoints left over so I don’t think you want ALL my skillpoints. But I have all racial passives, all class passives, all heavy/medium armor passives, I do have 2h and dual wield maxed out, aside from the actual skills, bow has volley, snipe, and poison arrow unlocked with all passives, Thieves guild, fighters guild, Undaunted passives, and all of werewolf
And the weapons? 🙂
For the weapons I have a sharpened greatsword and a sharpened bow. I could just as easily gone with either a defending, powered, or precise bow and have still gotten the same damage output since most of the damage is from the greatsword. I have tested my dps with an infused greatsword and infused maul, they both came out rather similarly with oblivion damage as the enchant, though with sharpened getting nerfed I suggest getting the crushing enchant so you get through armor better.
No dragon blood in the skill bar??
With almost 2k regen and 38% better healing, also a lot of practice, I can sustain up to 7 minutes without running out of stamina. Rally and Vigor give better healing overall than dragon blood, plus I can put that magicka into my damage shield.
Hi like your build just want to know it is based on medium armor because I use heavy on everything.
It is possible to use heavy because of the constitution passive, you would have to focus more on using heavy attacks though.
Theres no caltrops kn your build but i see u using them in the video. Qhich skill do u swap for caltrops based on your skills listed on page?
Thanks in advance
The reason I don’t have caltrops on this build is because I originally used Endless Hail but switched to Caltrops to get more aoe out of it. Ideally you could use both endless hail and caltrops instead of having resolving vigor.
HotR Update: This build is still viable for dps after the HotR patch. I highly suggest using this in Maelstrom Arena (I’m now on Valkyn Tephra, on my first run)
How do you know how much dps you are getting?
I run Combat Metrics or Foundry Tactical combat. If you test your dps out on a test dummy it will tell you the output after you’ve killed it.
I’m updating the build, so stand by 😛
Full on beast mode Mikael
How does this build transfer over to Nightblade exactly ? Missing the Noxious breath debuff etc?
Surprise Attack has the same debuff, and you can use killer’s blade or reverse slice as your execute. As for a reflect, you’re probably better off either going bone shield or evasion
Finally updated it for Clockwork city, i hope you guys enjoy!
So I was looking over your Champion Point Tips part and under the warrior you have 232 points total there, I thought you only could have 230 points total for all 3, warrior, mage, and thief? Am I missing something?
You’re not missing anything, i may have done my math wrong, thank you for pointing that out