Summerset StamDK PVP
Bow, Two Handed
Summerset stamDK pvp
Destruction Staff, Restoration Staff
Two Handed, One Handed And Shield
solid and fun solo/1vX build for stam sorc
Dual Wield, Bow
I came up with this because i was bored little to no thought i guess it would work better in pve since in pvp ppl can outheal dot damage and etc
One Handed And Shield, Two Handed
Stendarr is the Divine God of Justice. This is a spell-sword paladin build meant for solo PvE, small group PvE, normal mode dungeons and trials, and PvP. will also help you solo many world bosses. However, it is also built to do Veteran mode dungeons and trials, just requires a little switch of weapons on the back bar and some skills. Explanation also included in general info section. Feel free to comment and make recommendations.