Stamblade That Needs Work (PvPish But Mostly PvE)
Two Handed, Bow
One Handed And Shield, Two Handed
This is the tankiest character I’ve made, with huge survivabilty able to take on multiple people in pvp for a long duration of time. I haven’t died once in any pve dungeon I’ve ran and even when my whole group has died ive tanked the boss down on my own
Two Handed, Bow
This Build is based on damage, but is currently in testing phase. if you have any changes or input please leave a comment
Dual Wield, Bow
This build is the ultimate melting DoT pressuring build that will have the health of your enemies melting off with ease. This build also has high DPS and great resource management in addition to having great health sustain.
Dual Wield, Destruction Staff
Good damage dealing build
Two Handed, Bow
This build is very very good for ganking, if you do not like to gank its ok for duels, all you got to do is keep them on the ground, waste there stamina and end them