Poison Man
Bow, Dual Wield
Dual Wield, Restoration Staff
Really diverse build. Can be a healer (not a major one or anything but pretty good). Can even do some really good dps. Good AOE. It’s really easy to play and the skills can be changed around to fit your play style. If you have any suggestions or anything leave a comment.
**Will Post Video Soon**
Dual Wield, Two Handed
never attackwthout rally shuffle relentless focus siphon attacks up or gg!
Restoration Staff, Destruction Staff
for aoe encounters throw your refreshing path under the team then spam sap essence using healing springs as needed. boss encounters keep path under tank and use sap essence every 20 seconds, healing springs and mutagen as needed.
Dual Wield, Destruction Staff
This build is for pve, not pvp, also it would be best for you to be a vampire for you increased magicka and stamina recovery and also for undeath and dark stalker perk, those make you more stealthy and more damage reduction.
Dual Wield, Bow
Magikscale Assassin: a self healing damage assassin based on magika as opposed to their brethren build, the Shadowscale Assassin which is primarily built around stamina.
Restoration Staff, One Handed And Shield
bored at work so I decided to make a nightblade healer build which I will be testing out tonight