Tanking Summoner
One Handed And Shield, Destruction Staff
Funny magicka sorcerer tanking build with full pet, with decent self healing
One Handed And Shield, Destruction Staff
Funny magicka sorcerer tanking build with full pet, with decent self healing
Destruction Staff, Two Handed
This is a test build. I Have Not actually used this build. so i don’t know if it works or not.
Restoration Staff, Restoration Staff
Won’t let you die even if you want!
One Handed And Shield, Destruction Staff
Final Thoughts
Keep up your shields when in a boss fight to help you heal. Keep up surge when dps’ing to help you heal. Block and interrupt when you can. Try to conserve stam if your healer is not running shards.
This build offers more of that tank/dps hybrid many are looking for. If you have questions comment below or if on XB1 message me, GT is paradoxiam10.
Dual Wield, Bow
Be a quick (THUNDER)cat and run like the wind !!!
Two Handed, Destruction Staff
Lightning Mage with both Ranged and Melee abilities.
Dual Wield, Destruction Staff
good all purpose farmer that can get kills in pvp can be fragile alone but is a survivor and backstabber:) sneeky sorc.
Restoration Staff, Destruction Staff
PVE Sorcerer Healing Dungeon Build