
Clever Kena

Author: boonfoxx


Race: Khajiit

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

0 Points 20 Points 44 Points




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Two Handed


Two Handed Skill


Reverse Slash


Critical Rush

Two Handed Skill

Critical Rush

Critical Charge



Two Handed Skill




Reaper's Mark

Nightblade Skill

Reaper's Mark

Mark Target


Relentless Focus

Nightblade Skill

Relentless Focus

Grim Focus



Two Handed Skill


Berserker Strike


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Bow

Poison Injection

Bow Skill

Poison Injection

Poison Arrow


Lightweight Beast Trap

Fighters Guild Skill

Lightweight Beast Trap

Trap Beast


Immovable Brute

Heavy Armor Skill

Immovable Brute



Shadowy Disguise

Nightblade Skill

Shadowy Disguise

Shadow Cloak


Shadow Image

Nightblade Skill

Shadow Image

Summon Shade


Dawnbreaker of Smiting

Fighters Guild Skill

Dawnbreaker of Smiting



Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
0 5 2


Gear and Item Set Info


3 Complete Sets: Molag Kena, Clever Alchemist and Sword-Singer

2 Heavy: Molag Kena

4 Medium: Clever Alchemist

1 Medium: Sword-Singer

3 Jewelry: Sword-Singer - Weapon Damage Enchantments

Two-Handed Bar: Greatword of Sword-Singer

Bow Bar: Bow of Clever Alchemist


General Info


This build has been refined to have high damage, a decent amount of survivability and versatile combat tactics. As for primary playstyle, you're looking at bursting down single targets as quickly as possible.

I've thought out the build so that, depending on the situation, you can swap out one or two skills, Lightweight Beast Trap (there for bonus weapon damage with the Slayer passive and to snare players from a distance) or Shadow Image, to accomodate your approach. For example, a quick swap to Radiant Magelight along with the Might of the Guild passive, you now have a one shot gank build. For PvE, swap in Arrow Barrage for the needed AoE against mobs.

I've decided to use Immovable Brute instead of Shuffle as our protection buff, as Shuffle has been debuffed with the latest update and the immunity to knockback with Immovable Brute helps a ton, not to mention the extra resistance.

Your buff up sequence: Rally and Relentless Focus then mark your target with Reaper's Mark reducing their resitances. (Note: A kill on a marked target gives you Major Berserk increasing your damage by 25%.) Switch to your bow bar, pop a pot, hit Immovable Brute followed by Shadowy Disguise. You're now poised for attack.

I didn't put Immovable Brute on the two-handed bar to allow for the two Assassination skills to add the extra crit rating. Combat is also a bit smoother.

Some combo examples: after killing an enemy with Onslaught, you can immediatly mark another enemy without weapon swapping, then Critical Rush in, heavy attack, light attack, Executioner and finish them off with Onslaught (if they're still alive)... or against a fully buffed up Tank kiting your teammates: initial attack with the bow from cloak, heavy attack, poison injection, light attack, light attack (procs Molog Kena), light attack, drop Shadow Image (for a quick escape if you get in trouble with the Tank), cloak again, weapon swap, fire the Relentless Focus spectral bow, Critical Rush, then follow up with any mix of combos with Executioner, heavy, light, Onslaught.

That last one is a bit of a more complex combo, but just an example. I've incorporated skills that would give a good mix of different combos, quick or complex and even some tricky ones, like if you use Lightweight Beast Trap in conjuntion with Shadow Image.

You're going to need all stamina enchantments on your armor because Molog Kena increases the cost of your abilities. I recommend not targeting more than 3 players consecutively to ensure you don't become depleted on resources too quickly, at least unitl your pot is back up.

There is a lot of potential with this build.

Have fun!


Champion Point Tips


Mighty: 100

Precise Strikes: 100

Warlord: 100

Mooncalf: 100

Quick Recovery: 100

Resistant: 100




Build Rating

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  • jv
    Apr 7, 2017

    what about the passives dude?

    • boonfoxx
      Apr 9, 2017

      forgot about the shadow passive that grants the same protection as immovable brute. Switched it out to Evil Hunter for the extra weapon damage with the slayer passive.

      • boonfoxx
        Apr 9, 2017

        also using unstoppable pots now.

  • Gilson
    Apr 10, 2017

    Detail the passive that I must evolve. DETAIL, Passive class, passive weapons, details of which evolve. PLEASE

    • boonfoxx
      Apr 10, 2017

      You’re going to have to look them up since this website doesn’t have those details… but essentially all passives on Assassin’s skill tree, Bow skill tree, Two-Handed skill tree, Medium Armor skill tree, all the vampire buff passives and the Slayer passive from the figher’s guild. (Might of the Guild passive from mages guild optional for the one shot gank.)

      • boonfoxx
        Apr 10, 2017

        …oh also all the Khajiit passives, especially Stealthy.

  • Andrew Cadua
    Apr 15, 2017

    Are you on Xbox .?

  • Andrew Cadua
    Apr 15, 2017

    Are you on Xbox?


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