
Fiery Mountain

Author: Crimson_Chimera (Gummy Joe)


Race: Dunmer (Dark Elf)

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

0 0 64




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Dual Wield


Nightblade Skill


Teleport Strike


Blood Craze

Dual Wield Skill

Blood Craze

Twin Slashes



Dual Wield Skill




Mass Hysteria

Nightblade Skill

Mass Hysteria

Aspect of Terror


Resolving Vigor

Assault Skill

Resolving Vigor



Dawnbreaker of Smiting

Fighters Guild Skill

Dawnbreaker of Smiting



Bar 2

Weapon 2: Two Handed


Medium Armor Skill




Relentless Focus

Nightblade Skill

Relentless Focus

Grim Focus



Two Handed Skill




Rearming Trap

Fighters Guild Skill

Rearming Trap

Trap Beast


Razor Caltrops

Assault Skill

Razor Caltrops



Soul Tether

Nightblade Skill

Soul Tether

Soul Shred


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
0 2 5


Gear and Item Set Info


2 Piece Monster set Valkyn Skoria (divines) 

5 Piece Fire set (impenetrable) (4 stam, 1 Health enchant) 

5 Piece Red Mountian (weapons + Jewelry) 


General Info


This setup is ment for a no cloak NightBlade, Designed to burst down targets. Tested in pvp and does great sustained damage. downside to this build in pvp is that you will need good stam food. feel free to tweek it abit to your needs. works well with other races and classes that are stam based. Disclaimer: This build was designed for my type of playstyle and my play style maybe a bit different from gank builds, but ganking is over rated for me so this is a more direct approach. Recommendation: for pve You want to replace ambush with flying blades and aspect of terror with steel tornado. 

The reason I went with heavy armor is more survivablity in pve and pvp (for one hate holding 2 sets for either or) so i combined them all into one, now if you are strictly pve then i would suggest divines over impen, more damage will be added to your burst. even going medium would greatly improve burst damage for pve.

Note: I will not give the cp for this build this i'm gonna leave open to further make this build customizable to your play style

I may put up a video on this build later on ..........will edit later to add the video link in. 





Build Rating

Rating: 4.8/5. From 4 votes.
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  • amazing
    Feb 5, 2017

    hello your build really works for me and playstyle allso hhehe

    may i ask thought what skill would you recommend i replace if i’m gonna involve werewolf into the two handed bar?
    also what skills should i invest/replace in the dual wield bar if im just gonna add a bit of stealth there?

    feel free to correct me with what ive said idk anything about this game and never played it but i plan to buy it soon haaha

    • amazing
      Feb 5, 2017

      oh and the build i had in mind is a dual wield two handed werewolf nightblade with similar playstyle like yours but with added a wee bit of stealth hehe

    • Ethetas
      Feb 5, 2017

      hmm sorry it’s late on getting to the reply, but was thinking about this question long and hard, to insure that you can do what you want with this build, now if you want to go cloak blade with this i would recommend taking off the bear trap or rearming trap and replace with cloak this should give you the added effect you are looking for. now WW you have two options on replacing one of your ults, now while slotted on the main bar i think there maybe a bonus to stam when you slot ww i could be wrong but i would keep bar one as is and replace soul tether with the WW ult.

    • Ethetas
      Feb 5, 2017

      and no you don’t have to stick everything on the back bar you can move vigor to the back bar put your cloak on the front bar in place of vigor, put your dawn breaker on the back bar and in place of soul tether and put ww on.


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