Race: Orc
Main Role: Damage
Health, Magicka, Stamina
26-27k | 15-16k | 30-32 |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: Two Handed

Sorcerer Skill
Bound Armaments

Two Handed Skill
Dizzying Swing

Sorcerer Skill
Crystal Blast

Two Handed Skill

Two Handed Skill

Fighters Guild Skill
Dawnbreaker of Smiting
Bar 2
Weapon 2: One Handed And Shield

Sorcerer Skill
Dark Deal

Medium Armor Skill

Sorcerer Skill

Sorcerer Skill
Ball of Lightning

Assault Skill
Resolving Vigor

One Hand And Shield Skill
Spell Wall
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
0 | 5 | 2 |
Gear and Item Set Info
Front Bar Weapon: 2h Sword Hunding's Rage
Back Bar Weapon: 1h sword 1h shield Fortified Brass
Head: Balorghs or Domihaus for sustain Heavy
Chest: Hunding's Rage Heavy
Shoulder: Bloodspawn/Swarm Mother
Belt: Hunding's Rage medium
Hands: Fortified Brass medium
Pants: Fortified Brass Medium
Feet: Hunding's Rage Medium
Necklace: Fortified Brass
Ring: Endurance
Ring Endurance
All Impen on body except belt and hands well fitted. Front bar wep is Nirn with beserker enchant, back bar is reinforced and powered. Tri stat enchant on big pieces max stam on small. Jewelry is infused with all damage enchants or one Stam recovery enchant.
General Info
This build is very good all around you have a decent health pool, high magicka for lots of Ball of Lighting and for infinite dark deal and sustain, very high weapon damage (about 6k), High stam recovery (about 2k), High resistences (about 20k front bar and 28k back bar).
You can mitigate damage very well on this build as StamSorcs the fastest spec in the game and being an Orc gives you even more bonus speed along with Ball of Lightning to absorb projectiles when you kite and go defensive. This build has a very strong offensive kit with Dizzying swing, Crystal weapon and you can use Bound arnaments for some extra burst but it can also be passively slotted for extra stam and bonus light attck dmg. when you enter a fight you want to hit Elude->Hurricane-Switch bars->Rally Once your buffed up you can either go defensive by hitting vigor and blocking on your back bar, or hit crystal weapon->light attck>Dizzing swing->Medium attck. The burst can also be setup using bound arnaments so you'd wanna hit bound arnaments when you buff as well. The combo with bound arnaments would look something like this Elude->Hurricane->Switch bars->Rally->Bound Arnaments Once your buffed hit Crystal Wep->Light attck->Dizzying Swing->medium attck Then repeat once more but release your Bound Arnaments after your medium attack on second rotation. If you have a dawnbreaker the combo will look like this Buff->Crystal Weapon->Heavy attck->Dawnbreaker-> Bound arnements. Use execute when enemy reaches around 25 percent HP.
Food: Arteum Takeaway Broth/Dubious.
Potion: Tri stat or Immovibality pots.
Race: I reccomend Orc because of extra movement speed, Sprint cost reduction, Extra Wep dmg but Redguard, Nord, Dark elf, Imperial will work just fine.
Mundus: Serpent mundus for No Cp and Warrior mundus for Cp areas.
Bound Arnaments is a flex spot you can use Camo hunter or Critical Rush instead.
Champion Point Tips
I am not a genius when it comes to Cp so feel free to play around with them and figure out what you prefer.
Craft Tree: you can do whatever you want but I recomend Rationer for longer food uptime and Liquid efficency for a chance to not consume a potion.
Warfare Tree: I reccomend Single Target dmg slottable, Single target dmg reduction Slottable, Extra stam slottable, Extra Weapon dmg Slottable.
Fitness Tree: Boundless Vitality for extra recovery, Extra heath Slottable, Slippery Slottable, Ffee roll dodge slottable.