Killer Heals
Race: Altmer (High Elf)
Main Role: Healer
Health, Magicka, Stamina
10 points | 54 points | 0 points |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: Restoration Staff
Restoration Staff Skill
![Leeching Vines](
Warden Skill
Leeching Vines
![Enchanted Growth](
Warden Skill
Enchanted Growth
![Blue Betty](
Warden Skill
Blue Betty
![Budding Seeds](
Warden Skill
Budding Seeds
![Healing Thicket](
Warden Skill
Healing Thicket
Bar 2
Weapon 2: Destruction Staff
![Growing Swarm](
Warden Skill
Growing Swarm
![Subterranean Assault](
Warden Skill
Subterranean Assault
![Screaming Cliff Racer](
Warden Skill
Screaming Cliff Racer
![Expansive Frost Cloak](
Warden Skill
Expansive Frost Cloak
![Lotus Blossom](
Warden Skill
Lotus Blossom
![Northern Storm](
Warden Skill
Northern Storm
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
7 | 0 | 0 |
Gear and Item Set Info
Like all healers, use all light armor. Aim for set pieces for the added bonuses.
General Info
This build is good for running solo delves or random dungeons for the Undaunted.
I use Duck Soup to buff up my health, magicka, and stamina. I rarely ever need potions.
The basic strategy is to lay down a bunch of HoTs, then burn down whatever is left. I like to DPS until I see the the health bars start to decrease, then re-cast a heal or two, and go back to DPSing.
Typically, here's what I do for trash mobs/bosses:
1. Summon your Blue Betty before you rush in behind the tank.
2. Cast Mutagen, followed by Leeching Vines, Enchanted Growth, and finally Budding Seeds (under the tank). This should keep your tank and DPS going while you start your pwnage.
3. Switch over to your Destruction Staff (preferably a Frost or Shock; go Frost if you invest in the Winter's Embrace tree), and cast your Growing Swarm, Subterranean Assault, then Screaming Cliff Racer, followed by a good jolt of your Destro Staff. Keep an eye at the end of this rotation, as you might need to throw a heal or two. Use your Expansive Frost Cloak if a piece of particularly tenacious trash chases you, then blow it up.
4. Rinse and repeat.
Champion Point Tips
For the Mage tree:
Put 100 points into Blessed for a nice boost to your healing. Put another 20 into Elfborn for some mad crit heals.
The Atronach
Put the rest into Staff Expert and pew pew those trash mobs down.
For the Thief tree:
The Lover
Put 80 points into Arcanist for the magicka regeneration of a lifetime. Put another 40 into Tenacity, and in three heavy hits, you should be back up to full Magicka.
The Tower
Put the rest of your points into Magician, and you should be golden for even long fights.
For the Warrior tree:
The Lord
You will want to hit the 75 bonus for this one, so I recommend 40 in Expert Defender and 35 in Quick Recovery so you can keep yourself alive.
The Lady
You can divide the rest between Thick Skinned, Hardy, and Elemental Defender.
Really good build been runing it for the past 4 days
Can someone tell which set i should use?