Medieval Massacre (PvP)

Race: Bosmer (Wood Elf)
Main Role: Damage
Health, Magicka, Stamina
0 | 0 | 64 - all points into stamina |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: Dual Wield

Dual Wield Skill
Rending Slashes

Dual Wield Skill
Steel Tornado

Dual Wield Skill
Quick Cloak

Dragonknight Skill
Venomous Claw

Dragonknight Skill

Dragonknight Skill
Corrosive Armor
Bar 2
Weapon 2: Two Handed

Two Handed Skill

Two Handed Skill

Dragonknight Skill
Noxious Breath

Dragonknight Skill
Volatile Armor

Assault Skill
Resolving Vigor

Two Handed Skill
Berserker Rage
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
1 | 5 | 1 |
Gear and Item Set Info
All armour should have the Impenetrable trait with a Tri-Stat enchantment
Medium: Deadly strikes set
Heavy: Bloodspawn Helmet
Light: Bloodspawn shoulders
All Jewelry should be hide of the werewolf, robust/protective.
Necklace: Stamina recovery
Rings: Stamina cost reduction
Weapons, for dual wield i chose axes for bleed passive, for 2H, your choice of 2H Axe or Sword (I prefer sword)
Weapon 1 DW: The Master's Axe, Trait Nirnhoned, Enchant Drain Health Poison IX
Weapon 1 DW: The Master's Axe, Trait Sharpened, Enchant Drain Health Poison IX
Weapon 2 2H: Hide of the Werewolf, Trait Infused, Enchant Weapon Damage Enchant
General Info
Mundus Stone: The Serpent Mundus (More Stamina Recovery)
Race: Im a Bosmer fan, the regen passive just seems too good for me to give up
- Quick Cloak: This has to be up a most of the time, the movement speed boost with the decent AoE damage is too good to not keep up.
- Rending Slashes: This deals a great amount of damage, especially when combined with the Master’s Dualwield weapons, always use this skill on an enemy.
- Venomous Claw: Very cheap dot that deals a lot of damage.
- Steel Tornado: Your main AoE spam ability. When an enemy drops low on health this is your execute ability, because of the passives from Dual Wield it deals a lot more damage in execute and is undodgeable.
- Resolving Vigor: Must be kept up, due to it being the main heal.
- Berserker Rage: This is your main ultimate, It is expensive on ulti points (Reason we use the sets and Carve), but does solid damage and restores resources all the time because of the Battle Roar passive from Earthen Heart This ability also gives us loads of survivability.
- Rally: This is your heal over time and if needed, you can reapply it early to gain a burst heal.
- Noxious Breath: Another DoT that must be placed on the enemy, this gives us Major Fracture, decreasing enemies physical resistance by 5280 which will make all your other abilities deal a lot more damage. (use this first)
- Volatile Armor: Has to be up all the time, gives you a huge resistance buff and also increases your overall incoming healing due to the passives of the skill tree.
- Carve: This increases our ultimate regen and is used to spam Berserker Rage (also does a decent amount of damage)
- Fossilize: This is your main stun tool, it stuns and roots enemies, the stun goes through dodge roll or block, it is one of the best CC tools in the game. Keep in mind, this also costs magicka so you have to be careful with your magicka pool!
Buff Food: You can either run Dubious Camoran Throne (Max Health+Max Stamina+Stamina Recovery+Health Recovery) or Artaeum Takeaway Broth (Max Health+Max Stamina+Stamina Recovery)
Potions: Tri-Stat Potion (Essence of Health)
Poisons: Drain Health Poison IX
Passives (Well the important ones):
- Ardent Flame: Combustion, Warmth, Searing Heat, World in Ruin
- Draconic Power: Iron Skin, Burning Heart, Elder Dragon, Scaled Armor
- Earthen Heart: Eternal Mountain, Battle Roar, Mountain's Blessing, Helping Hands
- Two Handed: Forceful, Heavy Weapons, Balanced Blade, Follow Up, Battle Rush
- Dualwield: Slaughter, Dual Wield Expert, Controlled Fury, Ruffian, Twin Blade and Blunt
- Heavy Armor: Resolve, Constitution, Juggernaut, Revitalize, Rapid Mending
- Medium Armor: Dexterity, Wind Walker, Athletics
- Fighters Guild: Intimidating Presence, Slayer, Banish the Wicked, Skilled Tracker
- Undaunted: Undaunted Command, Undaunted Mettle
- Assault: Continuous Attack, Reach, Combat Frenzy
- Support: Magicka Aid, Combat Medic, Battle Resurrection
- Racial: All passives
- Alchemy: Medicinal Use
Champion Point Tips
Use these as more of a guideline, I used to run this from a previous build I was trying out, may be changed in the future
Championpoints 600 CP:
The Ritual
49 Mighty, 38 Piercing, 20 Thaumaturge
The Attronarch
23 Shattering Blows, 33 Master-at-Arms
The Apprentice
37 Blessed
The Shadow
62 Tumbling, 25 Shadow Ward
The Lover
49 Mooncalf
The Tower
47 Warlord, 1 Siphoner, 16 Sprinter
The Lord
The Lady
37 Hardy, 32 Elemental Defender, 34 Thick Skinned
The Steed
45 Resistant, 52 Ironclad
Championpoints 300 CP:
The Ritual
20 Thaumaturge, 27 Mighty, 42 Piercing
The Attronarch
The Apprentice
11 Blessed
The Shadow
23 Tumbling, 23 Shadow Ward
The Lover
23 Mooncalf, 23 Tenacity
The Tower
7 Warlord, 1 Siphoner
The Lord
The Lady
23 Hardy, 23 Elemental Defender, 23 Thick Skinned
The Steed
31 Ironclad
For Those with 810 CP, Try these for Champion Points:
The Ritual
49 Mighty, 42 Piercing, 20 Thaumaturge
The Attronarch
37 Shattering Blows, 56 Master-at-Arms, 29 Physical Weapon Expert
The Apprentice
37 Blessed
The Shadow
66 Tumbling, 66 Shadow Ward
The Lover
49 Mooncalf
The Tower
63 Warlord, 1 Siphoner, 25 Sprinter
The Lord
19 Quick Recovery
The Lady
37 Hardy, 37 Elemental Defender, 48 Thick Skinned
The Steed
56 Resistant, 73 Ironclad
This is very close to being the same as Alcast’s Berserker build. The champion points are exactly the same. I can see it repeated also in the Passives. you have all the heavy armor passives but use 5 pieces of medium armor. you can only use the first three. sets are the exactly same but the skills have been changed a bit. some description of the skills are exactly same but changed to a shorter description. I hope you can respond and tell me how this is not Alcast’s build but your own.
If you notice under the champion points section i put, “Use these as more of a guideline, I used to run this from a previous build I was trying out, may be changed in the future”. Yes they are from the Alcast build, as well as a gladiator build i was testing from i think it was from Dottz, The skills are of my own creation, if you manage to find the old gladiator build you will notice i was trying to make a build that did not require summerset, as for all the heavy armour passives I tend to switch sets, and just hold onto all of them, after all you do get plenty of skill points, I will be testing champion points more in the future and put an updated version, though did not want to leave this blank because if someone were to use it, its nice to have a guideline, also I wanted to make berserker rage a more useful ulti from the Battlegrounds, and that set is the way to do it, paired with cleave. Please feel free to help me out and refine the champion points section, i’m here to learn and hopefully help others along the way! Test out the set up and see what ya think.
Heres my old ability set up when i had the idea looking at the gladiator build
I mainly just put it there so I wouldn’t forget, kinda like how everyone else uses esoacademy, but I eventually want to keep adding and make this more detailed.
I can see how you did make it like some other build creators but you could at least give them credit in your descriptions. Some people can take it the other way.