
Overload Overkill

Author: Brandon


Race: Altmer (High Elf)

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

18000 31000 10000




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Destruction Staff

Crystal Fragments

Sorcerer Skill

Crystal Fragments

Crystal Shard


Crushing Shock

Destruction Staff Skill

Crushing Shock

Force Shock


Inner Light

Mages Guild Skill

Inner Light



Hardened Ward

Sorcerer Skill

Hardened Ward

Conjured Ward


Wall of Elements

Destruction Staff Skill

Wall of Elements


Shooting Star

Mages Guild Skill

Shooting Star



Bar 2

Weapon 2: Dual Wield

Boundless Storm

Sorcerer Skill

Boundless Storm

Lightning Form


Dark Conversion

Sorcerer Skill

Dark Conversion

Dark Exchange


Harness Magicka

Light Armor Skill

Harness Magicka



Liquid Lightning

Sorcerer Skill

Liquid Lightning

Lightning Splash


Structured Entropy

Mages Guild Skill

Structured Entropy



Energy Overload

Sorcerer Skill

Energy Overload



Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
5 1 1


Gear and Item Set Info


5 x Julianos, 5 x Elegant (dual wield and jewelry) 2x Molag Kena and Maelstrom Inferno Staff


General Info


The idea of this build is to get maximum damage from your Overload light attacks which works great with trial bosses. Elegant increases light and heavy attack so by 20% and this proc'D with Kena, entropy, dual wield passives and war horn can get each light attack critting for 72k. On trash mobs, be sure to use shooting star to get ultimate back.


Champion Point Tips


Blue: max out elemental expert, the rest in spell penetration and critGreen: reduce spell and magic regenRed: put most in bastion and share the rest in hardy and elemental defender. Try to put 10 in quick recovery




Build Rating

Rating: 3.3/5. From 3 votes.
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  • FiestyTedsta23
    Sep 30, 2016

    Pretty good build. But I highly suggest u using dark conversion on your overload bar

  • Brandon
    Oct 13, 2016

    Because I use Energy Overload over Power Overload, Magicka is returned

  • Ruth'Less *aka Liz*
    Oct 23, 2016

    Thank you for showing us this build. My High Elf is cp 150. Have been wearing light armor. Guild is suggesting since I seem to die a lot, that I get heavy. Thoughts? Also, I get your first bar skills with Destruction staff. That’s what I use. However, I have Liquid Lightning on bar #1. In dungeons, being rushed by a hoard of little guys, works great. Your bar #2 puzzles me. Do you change armor when you use those skills? And honestly, why Dual Wield?

    One other thing. your choice of armor. It’s not like you can go to the grocery store and pull some off the shelf. Where is it? And that Maelstrom staff too. If you’ve read this far did I detail enough so you can respond? Looking forward to it.


    • Lols Nols
      Nov 3, 2016

      If you are using a mag build then use damage shields to your advantage, get the light armor ability and morph to where it restores magicka, then get the sorc damage shield as well, spam these when you are under heavy fire.

  • Zarrik
    Nov 1, 2016

    Is breton ok for this?

  • Mate
    Dec 28, 2016

    Nice build. I’d like to try it out but what skills do you out in your overload bar? Thanks.

  • Wilksman
    Feb 12, 2017

    A good suggestion would be to take dark conversion onto your overload bar and replace it with power surge for the extra hard hitting and health regen

  • Shukra Bakadem
    Feb 19, 2020

    What’s the rotation for this? Is it still relevant today?


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