
Pve Stam Sorc Maelstrom Arena

Author: A skrub Lord (on Xbox one)


Race: KhajiitKhajiit

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

- - -64




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Dual Wield

Evil Hunter

Fighters Guild Skill

Evil Hunter

Expert Hunter


Rearming Trap

Fighters Guild Skill

Rearming Trap

Trap Beast


Bound Armaments

Sorcerer Skill

Bound Armaments

Bound Armor



Dual Wield Skill




Resolving Vigor

Assault Skill

Resolving Vigor



Flawless Dawnbreaker

Fighters Guild Skill

Flawless Dawnbreaker



Bar 2

Weapon 2: Bow

Critical Surge

Sorcerer Skill

Critical Surge



Endless Hail

Bow Skill

Endless Hail



Poison Injection

Bow Skill

Poison Injection

Poison Arrow



Sorcerer Skill


Lightning Form


Dark Deal

Sorcerer Skill

Dark Deal

Dark Exchange


Ice Comet

Mages Guild Skill

Ice Comet



Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
1 5 1


Gear and Item Set Info


So let's start of our sets just before we start talking about the build I want to say this is a high crit build. So the first set I'm using is twice born star the reason is that I can run two Mundas stones the two Mundas stones I like to run are the thief and the shadow the thief giving you more crit chance and the shadow giving you more damage on your crit hits.

for the monster sets I like running valkyn skoria the reason being is that I have lots of dot and I'll say them to you rearming trap, bloodthirst, endless hail, poison injection and finally hurricane if you want to you could swap out resolving vigor for blood craze but I would recommend it for those who don't know what Valkyn skoria is a set that allows you to have 6 percent chance for a meteor dropping from the sky and damaging the target it can also do aoe damage.

for Jewerly I like running agility I think this is the best set for us as it gives us more damage and gives us extra stamina which will come in handy I recommend all the glyphs in weapon damage.

finally for our weapons we are running 2 vma daggers the reason is it grants us more weapon damage passively and gives a unique effect to our blood thirst I'll tell you the unique effect the effect is that your flurry does an extra 3k weapon damage this is a 50 percent chance to proc but if you have 2 you have a 100 percent chance to proc it so that is why I'm going with vma daggers.

now for our bow there no discussion its maelstrom bow over masters bow simply because it cp 160 and the masters bow is cp 140, it also increases our endless hail damage which is nice and finally because it gives us passive weapon damage just like the 2 vma daggers.

for armour I would recommend all divines and weapons in sharpend the reason I pick divines is because it increase my Mundas stones which is important because we have 2.


General Info


So I'm going to make this short the way we sustain is by using dark deal basically you transfer magics for stamina which is the reason I prefer stam sorc over stam blades in pve in my opinion.

lets start by saying why we use which skill

so our first skill is evil hunter now I don't actually use this its just sitting on my bar for  an extra 10 percent more crit chance and 3 percent more damage.

the next skill is rearming trap this thing is a beast we gain an extra 3 percent from it passively and we get to trap the enemy doing a insane dot and increasing our crit damage on that target you placed it on I would recommend that you try it out.

now moving on to to bound armaments I just use this because I gain an extra 8 percent more max stam and it gives me 11 percent more damage on my heavy attacks so there's nothing else to really talk about on this skill it's simple. 

So now we are moving on to bloodthirst this thing is godly it does high damage and on the final hit it heals you now we have crit surge equipped this thing heals to much and also the hits before the last one can proc Valkyn skoria so there's no reason to not have this skill.

finally for our lass skill on the first bar is resolving vigor the only reason why I use it is because it heals me for loads there's nothing's else to talk about if you want you could swap this out for blood craze but then you would be a bit to squishy in my opinion.

so lets start of our second bar with critical surge if this thing runs out your going to have a high death chance so keep this on at all times now the reason why I say this is because it heals us for 50 percent of our crit damage so I did a 18k in crit i would get 9k back that's insane it also grants us major brutality which we need for those who don't know what major brutality is it gives us an extra 20 percent damage on our attacks and I'm not sure but I think it gives us more healing.

moving on we are using endless hail this is a great dot it also gives us a more powerful endless hail because we have a vma bow it's more powerful this ability is powerful on single target and aoe and and before the enemies spawn place this down for a bit more dps. 

Poison injection this this is over powered if you get the target below 50 percent health if you ask me I would use it till the target gets below 50 percent health because it gives the dot an insane extra 200 percent damage on each tick this is a must have.

hurricane this is a must have as well it gives us 10 percent more movement speed, more defence and gives us an aoe that Valkyn skoria I also need to mention that the longer hurricane is up for the more bigger it gets until it runs out.

finally dark deal there's nothing really to say about this except we use this to change magicka for stamina I think this is a must have or you will run out of recourses on this build trust me.

for our ultimates

on my first bar I like to run flawless dawn breaker for that extra 5 percent damage add the passive on the fighters guild which gives us an extra 3 percent damage for having it slotted which means we gain 8 percent damage for just having it slotted it is also a powerful ultimate that after you hit the target you leave them burning with a powerful dot on them.

finally for our second ultimate I like playing around with ice comes this thing does monster dps you hit the target with a meteor from the sky and then it leaves a insane aoe dot on the floor that will do loads it can also knock some enemies over mostly just not bosses.  


Champion Point Tips


For red champion points I like running 100 in elemental defender because spells do more damage in vma and 67 in hard because physical is less of a threat.

for green I like running 100 in war Lord and 67 in mooncalf 

for blue I like running 100 in mighty 30 in precise strike and 37 thumbatage.





Build Rating

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  • JPM
    Aug 9, 2016

    Solid build, excellent description unlike most “builds” here

  • SgtGary
    Mar 30, 2017



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