
PVP Dragonblade

Author: Mikael Lokviing


Race: Nord

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

20,000-28,000 10,000 35,000-39,000




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Two Handed

Venomous Claw

Dragonknight Skill

Venomous Claw

Searing Strike


Reverse Slice

Two Handed Skill

Reverse Slice

Reverse Slash


Dizzying Swing

Two Handed Skill

Dizzying Swing



Noxious Breath

Dragonknight Skill

Noxious Breath

Fiery Breath



Two Handed Skill




Pack Leader

Werewolf Skill

Pack Leader

Werewolf Transformation


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Dual Wield

Blood Craze

Dual Wield Skill

Blood Craze

Twin Slashes



Dual Wield Skill




Volatile Armor

Dragonknight Skill

Volatile Armor

Spiked Armor


Resolving Vigor

Assault Skill

Resolving Vigor



Igneous Shield

Dragonknight Skill

Igneous Shield

Obsidian Shield


Dawnbreaker of Smiting

Fighters Guild Skill

Dawnbreaker of Smiting



Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
1 5 1


Gear and Item Set Info


I'm personally using Thurvokun with Master dual wield, Pillar of Nirn and Sword Singer for the bonus damage to 2h skills, though i'm probably going to swap to Battlefield Acrobat or Shadow of the Red Mountain for more damage output overall.

Other sets that would be viable are any that give base damage, stamina regen or proc like

  • Unfathomable darkness
  • Hunding's Rage
  • Stormfist
  • Storm Master
  • Night mother's Embrace
  • Valkyn Skoria (Magicka set I know, but 10+ dots will make it proc a lot and the health is nice)


General Info


Stack dots, self heal, kill everything and walk away triumphant.


Champion Point Tips


Warrior: 43 Hardy, 43 Elemental Defender, 44 Thick Skinned, 30 Spell Shield, 40 Ironhide, 38 Medium Armor Focus, 32 Quick Recovery

Mage: 61 Thaumaturge, 49 Mighty, 61 Precise Strikes, 51 Master-at-arms, 27 Physical weapons expert

Thief: 75 Tenacity, 56 Mooncalf, 28 Warlord, 27 Sprinter,  40 Tumbling, 44 Shadow Ward




Build Rating

Rating: 3.8/5. From 5 votes.
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  • Jayy
    Jun 8, 2019

    What passive abilities should I invest in?

  • Jayy
    Jun 8, 2019

    Also what potions/food should I stock up on? Just basically Stam regain stuff? Stam buffs etc

  • Mikael Lokviing
    Jun 9, 2019

    Max Health/Stamina and Health/Stam regen. If you can get that drink that is. It’s not entirely needed unless you’re having a lot of issues sustaining, but at that point the Serpent stone would be very beneficial. As for passive abilities, I’d go for all of the class passives, weapon/armor passives (7 med or 5 M/2 H)

  • Mikael Lokviing
    Jun 9, 2019

    As for potions, immoveable health/stam pots are the best from what i’ve seen. If you can’t get those, then the stupid crown store tri-pots work too.

  • Jayy
    Jun 9, 2019

    Fuhhhsure thanks. So far as attributes like 50 in Stam then the rest in health right?

  • Mikael Lokviing
    Jun 10, 2019

    I usually go all into stamina and have some health enchants on main pieces. Either health enchantments or tri-stat enchantments.

  • Jayy
    Jun 13, 2019

    Are any other ultimates good to have or strictly follow these two? Also are 2h hammers, axes okay? Or just swords/daggers Or which 2h dual should I be running ? Or does it matter.

  • Mikael Lokviing
    Jun 14, 2019

    Daggers won’t help much in pvp since people stack crit resists, so double axes or axe/mace would be a good combination. As for 2h, Swords give a damage bonus and mauls ignore armor so either are good for it.

  • Jayy
    Jun 14, 2019

    Fuhhsure. What about the werewolf skill bar what should I have in that? Or just buy the werewolf ultimate n that’s it?

  • Mikael Lokviing
    Jun 15, 2019

    Oh, don’t buy it. Waste of crowns lol You can get it for free from other players or from mobs that spawn at night in the final areas of each alliance (Reach, Reaper’s March and Bangkorai). The werewolf setup I usually go with is Pack Leader, Brutal pounce, Hircine’s Fortitude, Deafening Roar, Howl of Agony and Claws of Life

  • Jayy
    Jun 15, 2019

    Oh I know don’t buy it haha. I have a werewolf on my main haha. Very easy to be turned haha. N fuhhsure thanks!! I’ll try that set up out


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