
Single Pet MagSorc (Summerset)

Author: Starving Artist


Race: Altmer (High Elf)

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

16.8k 42.2K 10K




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Destruction Staff

Empowered Ward

Sorcerer Skill

Empowered Ward

Conjured Ward


Liquid Lightning

Sorcerer Skill

Liquid Lightning

Lightning Splash


Elemental Blockade

Destruction Staff Skill

Elemental Blockade

Wall of Elements


Daedric Curse

Sorcerer Skill

Daedric Curse


Summon Unstable Familiar

Sorcerer Skill

Summon Unstable Familiar


Elemental Rage

Destruction Staff Skill

Elemental Rage

Elemental Storm


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Destruction Staff

Empowered Ward

Sorcerer Skill

Empowered Ward

Conjured Ward


Critical Surge

Sorcerer Skill

Critical Surge



Force Shock

Destruction Staff Skill

Force Shock


Mages Wrath

Sorcerer Skill

Mages Wrath

Mages Fury


Summon Unstable Familiar

Sorcerer Skill

Summon Unstable Familiar


Summon Charged Atronach

Sorcerer Skill

Summon Charged Atronach

Summon Storm Atronach


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
7 0 0


Gear and Item Set Info


This will get you pretty nice DPS numbers but is not really an "optimized" build for vet trials etc. I prefer simple builds for what I do so please change according to your needs and wants. 

As of now I generally just "gold-out" my weapons and sometimes my monster set or big pieces so I'm sitting at 42k magicka without gold gear. My ward is over 10k and Mage's wrath melts everything. 

Food: Witchmother's 

Mundus: Atronoch (I want more recovery since I use this in vMA too) so I sit close to 2k recovery. 

Gear set 1: Necropotence jewelry and staves. Jewelry all Arcane all Spell damage glyphs. Backbar is Infused Inferno with Weapon Damage glyph, frontbar is Sharpened Lightning staff with Shock glyph.

Gear set 2: Destruction Mastery. I'm running 5 Infused and 2 Divines, 6 max magicka glyphs, 1 Health Glyph on chest. 

Monster: Ice Heart (Ilambris or Grothdarr)


General Info


Potions: generic magicka pots or crafted Increase Spell Crit

Poisons: I don't use them very often but Damage Health are solid 

I run a ward on both bars, I just prefer having it there because doing a lot of solo content you don't have a healer. The second ward slot is a flex spot. I'd run either Inner Light or Bound Agis for the 5% magicka increase if you'd prefer. 

Pet is up to you. I just like the smaller pet and the type of damage it does. 


Champion Point Tips


Here is what Alcast runs. Nobody can tell you what to do but generally these numbers are pretty close on most everyones builds. 

The Ritual
81 Thaumaturge
The Attronarch
18 Master-at-Arms, 19 Staff Expert
The Apprentice
56 Elemental Expert, 56 Elfborn, 20 Spell Erosion
The Shadow
36 Tumbling, 35 Shadow Ward
The Lover
56 Arcanist, 75 Tenacity
The Tower
48 Warlord
The Lord
56 Bastion
The Lady
49 Hardy, 49 Elemental Defender, 48 Thick Skinned
The Steed
44 Ironclad, 4 Spell Shield




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