Stam Sorc Tank

Health, Magicka, Stamina
- | - | 64 |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: One Handed And Shield

One Hand And Shield Skill

Sorcerer Skill
Boundless Storm

One Hand And Shield Skill
Absorb Magic

Medium Armor Skill

Assault Skill
Resolving Vigor

Sorcerer Skill
Greater Storm Atronach
Bar 2
Weapon 2: Two Handed

Undaunted Skill
Inner Fire

Two Handed Skill

Assault Skill
Razor Caltrops

Two Handed Skill
Wrecking Blow

Sorcerer Skill
Dark Deal

Fighters Guild Skill
Flawless Dawnbreaker
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
1 | 1 | 5 |
Gear and Item Set Info
2 pc engine gaurdian (heavy infused helm medium impen shoulders)
5 footman (3 jewlery boots+gloves)
5/4 armor master (chest legs and sheild infused light armor belt impen)
For glyphs i run health on helm and sheild the rest into stam
Armor master with shuffle is amazing for any tank but if you cant craft 9 traits in heavy you could go with hist bark and put on heroic slash for ulti gain but it wont be even close to as tanky as armor master
General Info
Run tri stat food
if you have the gold run immovable stam and movement speed pots if not run any tripots that give stam weapon crit ones do alright for when you have time to dps
If this wasnt my pvp toon id run the stam regen mundus but i dont want to swap it out everytime i pvp
Champion Point Tips
Just gunna list what i have atm this is my pvp toon as well just a differnt build so i have champ points set mostly for pvp but the cp build still works great for pve tanking and pvp dps when gear is swapped
block expertise-40
med armor foucus-32
hardy -35
elemental defender-30
thick skinned-10
quick recovery-10
blade expert-30
precise strikes-30