Stamblade PVE Leveling Build

Race: Redguard
Main Role: Damage
Health, Magicka, Stamina
0 | 0 | 64 |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: Dual Wield

Nightblade Skill
Surprise Attack

Nightblade Skill

Dual Wield Skill
Whirling Blades

Dual Wield Skill
Deadly Cloak

Nightblade Skill
Power Extraction

Nightblade Skill
Incapacitating Strike
Bar 2
Weapon 2: Two Handed

Two Handed Skill

Two Handed Skill
Reverse Slice

Nightblade Skill
Relentless Focus

Nightblade Skill
Dark Shades

Nightblade Skill
Leeching Strikes

Fighters Guild Skill
Flawless Dawnbreaker
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
0 | 5 | 2 |
Gear and Item Set Info
As this is build is a goal to work towards In leveling, gearset ups will be left in this guide. However gear acquired that has bonuses in stam/regen damage and crits will be preferred for this build.
General Info
As stated above this is the goal when a new player is leveling, this build is very good for solo content as it makes the nightblade more tanky than standard dps builds.
For the most DPS you would start on back bar applying buffs relentless focus and leeching strikes you would then summon your shades. After switch to front bar and apply deadly cloak and immediately attack with power extraction to buff weapon and spell damage as well as reduce targets weapon damage for 10 secs then use ambush to close gap between enemies and applying a 4% more damage taken for 10 secs to selected target, followed by a light attack which is Empowered by 40% from then if it is single target you would procced to use surprise attack, LA, LA, surprise attack, LA, LA, Ambush, LA, LA And when under 50% health use Executioner or Whirling blades. If in an aoe scenario you would follow the same routine however after surprise attack you would add LA, LA, whirling blades LA, LA, whirling blades and filter surprise attack/ambush on mobs that are not trash mobs.
On alot mobs leveling to 50 this rotation won't be fully needed and as a result for normal mobs I would just start with power extraction, and continue with front bar rotation which will be more than enough for majority, only switching to backbar when getting close to dying first applying brawler straight into Leeching strikes, LA, LA, Shades, LA, LA, Brawler, LA, LA, Relentless focus back to 1st bar.
This build as you can see doesn't have too many spammable skills however if you keep buffs up and and use skills quoted the passives and buffs will keep you alive and give you good damage aswell as sustain.
***please note flawless dawn breaker could be replaced by rend dual wield ultimate while leveling fighters guild***
As for potions while leveling most will help you, so use when you available.
Please acknowledge this is not a META build and is not the top damage you can get nor is it the absolute best survivability. However it is intended for a new players looking into to stamblade and wanting to level without wanting to be too fragile at the beginning.
This build does not have specific armour and weapons due to it not being and end game build.
Hope you Enjoy.