
Stank Tank

Author: Jay


Race: Nord

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

30-40k 29-31k 19-20k




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Destruction Staff

Igneous Weapons

Dragonknight Skill

Igneous Weapons

Molten Weapons


Flames of Oblivion

Dragonknight Skill

Flames of Oblivion



Burning Talons

Dragonknight Skill

Burning Talons

Dark Talons


Elemental Blockade

Destruction Staff Skill

Elemental Blockade

Wall of Elements



Destruction Staff Skill




Flawless Dawnbreaker

Fighters Guild Skill

Flawless Dawnbreaker



Bar 2

Weapon 2: One Handed And Shield

Volatile Armor

Dragonknight Skill

Volatile Armor

Spiked Armor



One Hand And Shield Skill




Heroic Slash

One Hand And Shield Skill

Heroic Slash

Low Slash


Flame Lash

Dragonknight Skill

Flame Lash

Lava Whip


Burning Embers

Dragonknight Skill

Burning Embers

Searing Strike


Spell Wall

One Hand And Shield Skill

Spell Wall

Shield Wall


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
1 1 5


Gear and Item Set Info


I run 3 different sets depending on content; norm PVE, vet PVE and PVP

Monster set is up to you. I'm running Skoria since I'm using a lot of DOTs and want the extra damage. 

Warrior poet is always equipped for the 5 piece bonus of 10% health increase at all times.

I will flex in Armor of the Seducer to increase my damge output and magicka recovery or Orgnum Scales which will push your health to 40k or more depending on Champ point and Attribute distribution. 

If you flex in another tank set you can swap the jewelry out for Willpower for magicka sustain and then run Agility or Endurance Sword and Shield for the extra HP or Stam. 

The build is very flexible and other races will work too depending on what you intend to do with it. I don't like just straight tanking so I've build this around doing more than usual damage output. 


General Info


Basically my two bars are a "Mob/offense" bar and a "Boss/defense" bar. You'll notice the first bar consists of AOE and DOTs just like a good tank should do. You'll do some bar swapping for your taunt and to keep your shields up but it's pretty straight forward once you get used to it. Each bar also consists of some kind of Buff, Protection, Debuff and attack. I will also flex in Green Dragon Blood for harder content for a better self-heal and keep health potions handy. You can also run Magma Armor instead of Sheild Wall for those oh-shit situations however is costs quite a bit more and only lasts 3 more seconds. 

Sample rotation: Igneous Weapons, Volitile Armor, Flames of Oblivian, Ransack, Talons, Pulsar, light attack, Talons, light attack, Pulsar, Ultimate. 

Or: Igneous Weapons, Volitile Armor, Ransack, Heroic Slash, Flame Lash, Burining Embers, light/heavy attack, Lash, Embers, Ult if needed. 

I think I'm going to test swapping out Pulsar for Noxious Breath; cheaper DOT and good debuff. 

There are lots of ways to skin this cat so find what works for you and your playstyle. 

Skills can be adjusted slightly for PVP. I did some dueling with my PVE skills slotted against a sorc and it took him a fair amount of time to finally kill me. DKs lack an execute so survivability is obviously key. 2H might be a better performer instead of Destro; Rally/Forward Momentum, Stampede, Wrecking Blow/Dizzying Swing, Executioner, plus your backbar skills and it would be a really decent setup. 


Champion Point Tips


These are totally up to what content you want to play. I focus on DOTs, Elemental damage, survivability so most of the "standard" places to put points will be fine.  




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