Summerset StamDK PVP
Race: Redguard
Main Role: Damage
Health, Magicka, Stamina
22-25k | 10-12k | 35-38k |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: Bow

Medium Armor Skill

Assault Skill
Resolving Vigor

Dragonknight Skill
Hardened Armor

Dragonknight Skill
Flames of Oblivion

Bow Skill
Poison Injection

Dragonknight Skill
Ferocious Leap
Bar 2
Weapon 2: Two Handed

Two Handed Skill

Two Handed Skill

Dragonknight Skill
Venomous Claw

Two Handed Skill
Dizzying Swing

Two Handed Skill
Reverse Slice

Fighters Guild Skill
Flawless Dawnbreaker
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
0 | 5 | 2 |
Gear and Item Set Info
This is what I like to run but by all means is not the "best" or only way to run this build.
Set 1: Shacklbreaker - 3 body, bow and 2H. Infused bow with poison glyph, Nirn 2H with Disease or Oblivian
Set 2: Morag Tong or Marksman's depending on what you are comfortable with sustain wise - 3 jewelry and 2 body
- Spriggan will also work as a second 5 piece but Morag will add more poison damage.
Monster: Your choice - Skoria, Bloodspawn, Velidreth, Selene's or a combo of 2 different ones for stats like Domihaus with a damage piece.
Max stam or tri-glyphs on big pieces as you see fit for stats you are comfortable with. I like to sit around 25k HP in Cyrodiil.
For the jewelry once you can modify it: Robust, Triune or whatever works for your playstyle. Remeber, only jewelry obtained AFTER release will be transmutable so keep that in mind.
If you have the Master's bow you can drop a Monster piece and run it instead. It's DOT is very strong and could verywell out-perform the 2 piece monster.
You can also run 5 piece on the body, 3 Agilty, a full monster set and Master's bow with Asylum 2H.
I like to sit around 1.5k or higher for regen, closer to 2k if you want to do anything even close to 1vX imo.
General Info
DO NOT get hung up on my morphs. Use the morphs you like. Here is why I run what I do:
Hardened Armor: Nice damage shield for 3.5 seconds. That seems short but a lot can happen in pvp in 3.5 sec.
Stampede: can apply a nice little snare which I think is more usefull at melee range.
Dizzy Swing: has a knockback so if stampede either does not work or whatever you get another chance.
- You can also run Carve or Brawler for either another small shield or Ult gen and is easier to land
Food: Blue tbi-stat stam/hp, Dubious or Clockwork Citrus fillet
Mundus: Warrior or Lover
You can be a vamp, ww or neither. Light attacks are getting a buff for Summerset which means flame-staves are gonna hit harder so keep that in mind for vamp.
Champion Point Tips
I don't want to give specific values but think about the following when putting points into nodes:
- Break-free <-------- gets expesive and you can be bogged down to death by zergboy CCs
- Roll-dodge
- Block
- Regen
- Crit (remeber this works for heals too)
- Direct-damage
- DOTs
- Elemental or Poison damage
- Crit resist
- DOT, direct damage, light and heavy attack mitigation